• I can say a thousand words,
    I can show you a thousand things,
    I can be with you ever second of every day,
    but one thing I can never do.
    I can never truly tell you how much I love you,
    I can never show you how I feel,
    I can never truly be with you,
    I can do many things and there are many things I cannot do
    but loving you is one thing I cannot control.
    Inside and out I am in love with you and yet you are too blind to see that,
    You can't see how I stare at your every move,
    You can't see how much my heart reaches out for you,
    You can't see how much I truly need you and how ever second I wish you were with me,
    You'll never truly see me and yet I see every inch of you.
    You never see whats really in front of you while I wait here for you.
    I am always here for you but you'll never know that because you see everyone else but me.
    I love you and yet nothing I can do can make you see that.