• As his eyes gazed at hers,she knew they would be together.His hand reached for hers and her eyes met his in a heartbeat.The moon was glowing as bright as the snow.The only thing stopping their love. . .was each other.Only their love can breed off any terror that comes their way.They moved around,dancing towards their love for each other.Soon,the man stopped.The women didnt understand why,but it was a blissful moment.He held her close and in a blink of an eye,his lips were gently pressing on to hers.O thou more lovely then the summer stars in the ocean.Across the galaxy the women's crys were heard as she too loved him as well.The women had hugged with ever so gracefully.The man had stroked her long,flowing hair so gently that nothing was felt.The wolves howled to the Earth's pearl and the affection that the two shared for each other.Fireworks were bursting in the air,flashing before their eyes.True art is a moments beauty,burning ever so brighty,and vanishing in a heartbeat. . .