• To think or not to think- that is the question
    Whether it be mundane thoughts,
    Those of an enlightened genius,
    or the kind that leave you floating

    To let the mind idle, silently waiting
    or have it processing at light speed
    Let it stay in glorious slumber
    and pass the day in quiet abandon
    Aye, that would be bliss.

    But what could come of that endlessness?
    For no thought means no action,
    And no action resulting a pointless life
    For all things require some thought

    Cruel reality, to have to think.
    To think means to worry, to fret
    to involve thy self in affairs of feelings
    to attach ones self to their surroundings
    Thus letting down a barricade against pain

    But to be thoughtless
    To be free of lifes pains and humiliations
    To rid ones self of the minds ramblings
    of feelings of worry, and ponderings

    But, alas, here life falters
    For without the infintesimal daily thoughts
    There is no plot, no meaning to the grand scheme of things
    Which is a fate as gruesome as death.