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The invention Grav-Shoes, footwear that function as anti-gravity devices, drastically changes the world, as they give people the ability to freely soar the skies and a new sport that is developed around their use, Flying Circus.

Aokana centers mainly around Asuka Kurashina, a pretty energetic happy-go-lucky young girl with long pink hair and blue eyes. She transfers into Kunahama High School where she meets Masaya Hinata and Misaki Tobisawa and learns about the aerial sport, Flying Circus.

Flying Circus is more or less a glorified game of tag. Two players race back and forth between four buoys that form a square grid up in the mid-air where they compete over who can obtain the most points within a time limit and there are two ways to score points. First: following the grid and reach the buoy and touch it before your opponent does. Or. Second: touch your opponent's back aka tag them. Each gets you one point and there are a few different play styles. Speeder, Fighter, and All-Rounder. And there are competition grav-shoes customized for each of these different flying styles.

Speeders specialize in high speed movement, they avoid dogfighting while attempting to gain points through tagging buoys.
Fighters specialize in dogfighting, they are adept at making agile movements at close range, they aim to gain points through tagging the opponent's back. They can reach top speeds immediately from the start, but in regards to their total speed they fall behind Speeders.
All-Rounders are a balanced class between Fighters and Speeders. Having no particular weak areas, they are characterized by their ability to adapt to the current situation.

Asuka adopts the All-Rounder style, even though at the start of the anime, she is a complete noob who has never played Flying Circus, but when a top level FC (Flying Circus for short) player from another school challenges any and all to compete with her, Asuka eagerly jumps into the challenge though she only really does this to experience the joy of flying. Her opponent gives Asuka a handicap after learning she has never even heard of or played Flying Circus before and states that if Asuka can land even one point within the time limit, Asuka wins. Needless to say, Asuka gets her butt whipped the whole time until the very end of the match. As the last seconds begin to tick away, a competitive passion awakens inside Asuka at her own frustration of not being able to land a single point and she pulls off a difficult maneuver, Air Kick Turn, which sends her rocketing upward and allows her to tag the other player's back and score a point right before the clock runs down to zero.

From here, we discover that Asuka is one of those gifted "natural talented" athletes who only keeps getting better and better the more she practices and plays. And I know the way I describe this fictional sport, Flying Circus, here probably sounds boring, but despite it's simpleness, watching every Flying Circus battle was more exciting and entertaining than the last and it's fun watching Asuka and her friends go through the trials and tribulations of being a FC player, though I felt inwardly frustrated when I saw them wallowing in despair because their problems were so simple and easy to fix, at least from a spectator's (otherwise, mine) point of view, but I won't argue that I was very thoroughly entertained from start to finish with every episode and Asuka's personality is also funny to watch and admire. You just can't help root for Asuka as she fights her way to becoming FC's top player. Normally, I'd go off and talk about other characters, but who really cares about them, RIGHT!? And maybe rant about something I found unsatisfactory or a mistake that was made or something that could have been improved upon, but I found no such problems with this anime here.

After tasting this anime, I'd give it a whopping
9 / 10

Until then,
See you next time! 4laugh