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Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:10 pm
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                                                          "Micha watched as Samuel went for the sausage first. He stood waiting as he leaned against the counter. Micha watched as Samuel filled his plate with food. He found it amusing Samuel could eat so much at one time. Micha pulled away from the counter as he grabbed a plate. He glanced at Samuel as he went to get cups for the soda. Micha didn’t bother with the sausage as he picked up two slices of pepperoni and set them on his plate. He grabbed the other cup Samuel pulled out went to fill it with ice. Micha finished as he grabbed the bottle of soda as he filled his cup up with the soda. He heard Samuel as he looked around. Micha walked toward the coffee maker as he picked up a few napkins. He left with his cup and plate in hand heading back to the couch. Micha set the cup on the table as he sat back. He held onto his plate in his lap as he glanced toward Samuel. ”Here.” Micha spoke holding out a napkin to Samuel since he grabbed extra. He turned back to his pizza as he grabbed a slice and started to eat. Micha turned his attention back to the movie as he continued to eat. "
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:01 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Given his mouth was too full to speak, Samuel nodded his thanks as the male handed him a napkin. He didn't really need one right now, but he appreciated the thought. Setting the napkin under his plate, he refocused his attention on the movie while stuffing his face. He didn't care if the male thought he was making a pig of himself. He was hungry. Coffee was in no shape, form or fashion a meal. He could try but it wasn't going to happen. If anything he should be glad it wasn't reeking havoc on his stomach. Eating silently, he tried his best not to seem too disgusting. Even so, it didn't take him that long to inhale the first two slices of pizza, but he slowed down when he picked up his bread stick. Between the food and movie, his attention was all but lost to Micha. He couldn't even be embarrassed if the male was staring.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:46 am
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                                                          "As Micha relaxed against the couch, he ate his pizza. He wasn’t as piggish as Samuel as he ate slowly. Micha saw no reason to stuff his face. He kept his eyes on the television but could see Samuel out of the corner of his eye. It amused him to see Samuel eat as much as he was. Micha didn’t see Samuel as the sort to just pig out but then again Samuel was simply full of surprises today. He wiped his mouth as he ate. Micha leaned forward as he grabbed his cup off the table and took a sip of it. He set it back on the table then leaned back as he continued to eat. Micha kept his focus on the movie as he continued to eat. He watched Samuel every once in a while as he ate. Micha finished with his two slices as set his plate on the table. He would get more in a few minutes but didn’t want to completely overload and then get sick. Micha sat back on the couch as he crossed his leg over the other as he watched the movie."
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:18 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel was aware of his odd eating habits. He was raised to have perfect manners whenever he ate in public. But whenever he ate at home, he didn't give a damn who was watching him. Keeping up so many mild manner appearances were exhausting. He may be one of the richest bachelors in the city, but underneath it all he was just another guy in ratty jeans and had the habit of acting more like his shoe size and not his age. With his eyes glued to the television, he didn't notice the male staring at him until he was finished eating. Wiping his mouth and glancing over at the male he grinned, really not caring what he thought. Samuel balled up his napkin when he was through with it and placed it on his plate. He slouched in his seat a bit, picking up his drink and sipping more slowly on it than when he was eating. He wasn't completely full yet, but not too hungry either. For the moment he was content. Sighing softly, he moved his plate and glass back to the side table and pulled one of his legs up on the couch.

While the movie continued, Samuel eventually grabbed one last piece before dumping his plate in the sink and closing up the boxes. He wasn't sure if Micha would be eating anymore, but put the leftovers in the fridge anyway. He came back as the movie seemed to be almost over and stayed seated until the credits rolled. Stretching a bit he gave a slight yawn. "So what do you feel like doing now?" he asked. It was already pretty late, he wasn't at all familiar with the others' sleeping schedule and he knew he probably wouldn't sleep for at least another hour or so since it was still so early for him.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:45 am
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                                                          "Micha didn’t mind Samuel’s manners; there was no reason Samuel had to play pretend in front of him. He rather enjoyed seeing all sides of Samuel’s personality. Micha hadn’t really realized he was staring until Samuel looked at him. He glanced away from Samuel as he returned his focus back on the movie. Micha wasn’t hungry anymore, two slices was enough for him. If he wanted more he could always get it later. For now he was content, even though he hardly ate. He watched Samuel get up to get more food. Micha wondered where Samuel stored it all but it didn’t surprise him either. He watched the movie until it ended. Micha glanced toward Samuel as he spoke shrugging lightly. He wasn’t tired since he had slept most of the day sleeping. ”Well seeing as you would normally be at work now…and I’m merely a guest…I don’t know…What is it that you feel like doing?” Micha asked as he watched Samuel. He found it odd Samuel hadn’t gone to work but then again Samuel still had his partner who could open and close for him. Micha didn’t really know what to do since it wasn’t his house and he was simply a guest. "
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:02 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

It felt really odd to be the one ditching work. He was so used to maybe Alaine or one of his other employees ditch, but it had been a good while since the last time he did it himself. It wasn't like the club would crumble without him. He had other senior staff aside Alaine to take care of things. At the males reply, he thought for a few minutes. There was plenty to do really, he just wasn't sure Micha would be up to it. "Wanna shoot some pool?" he replied, thinking of his game room downstairs. It wasn't much, more like a second living room but with a large pool table, fully stocked bar, his gaming systems, game collection, a couple of instruments, and other man cave essentials. Nothing special. While waiting for the male to reply, he grew bored of the music playing during the credits and started to channel surf once more. He wasn't surprised to find nothing but old reruns of rerun shows that had ended decades ago, various gospel programs and paid programming. Gotta love that about cable. You pay an arm and leg for it but once the sun sets there's nothing to watch, and the things there are worth looking into they usually want you paying even more money to watch.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:14 am
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                                                          "At the moment, Micha didn’t really care what they did. He just wasn’t sure if he could sit in front of the television any longer. Micha could only sit for so long before growing bored. He needed to move around and stretch his legs. Micha glanced toward Samuel as he suggested pool. It had been a while since he played pool but he knew the just of it. He nodded, ”Sure.” He spoke figuring there was no reason not to. Micha stood up as he stretched his body. He heard a few things pop before he relaxed. Micha grabbed his dirty dishes as he started toward the kitchen. He set the items in the sink as he washed his hands off. Micha returned to the living room once he was finished in the kitchen. He saw Samuel was flipping through the channels on the television. Micha leaned against the couch as he waited for Samuel to show him the way to his pool table. "
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:42 am
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Glad to be up and moving around, he waited for the male to finish in the kitchen and shut off the television. Standing from the couch, he led the way out of the room and out into a long hallway. Many doors branched off along the hall, there was also a large staircase leading to a wide open second landing and spiral staircase leading downstairs. Walking a little ways up the hall, Samuel led the male down the stairs, flipping a switch once he reached the landing. Lanterns illuminated above the red and black pool table, red LED lights lined the bar, and small ceiling lights brought light to the rest of the room. Samuel moved past the bar and over to the wall, grabbing a pool stick, some chalk, and a nine ball triangle. "Take your pick," he said as he went about setting up the table. "Would you prefer just playing a few friendly rounds, or should we make things interesting and set a wager?" He smirked over at the male, either was fine with him. Though he did have a few bets in mind he was curious if the male would even own up. The thought was nice, but Micha seemed about as willing to lose a bet as he was.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:06 am
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                                                          "As Samuel stood up, Micha followed him. He walked down the long hallway as he kept his focus. Micha found that Samuel’s house was large in a way. He didn’t want to end up in a room where he wasn’t supposed to be going and getting lost. Micha followed Samuel down the stairs as he walked behind him. He saw the room light up as Samuel turned the light on. Micha looked around the game room Samuel had set up down here. He wasn’t one for games, but he didn’t mind playing a game of pool every once in a while. Micha watched Samuel as he went to get a pool stick, chalk, and triangle. He nodded as he walked toward the pool sticks and looked them over. Micha grabbed one of them off the wall as he looked it over. He figured it would do for him. Micha turned back toward Samuel to watch him set up the table. He looked at Samuel as he spoke with amusement. ”Depends on what you would like to bet on?” Micha asked wondering what Samuel had in mind. He didn’t mind really betting though he liked to know what he was betting before he consented. "
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:12 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

While setting up the table, he heard the male speak. Samuel leaned against his pool stick as he thought for a moment. What could Micha give him he didn't have? There wasn't much. "You first. What do you want?" he replied, answering his question with another question. Really there wasn't much he wanted. He wasn't looking for a relationship so it would be pointless to a** the male to go out with him. Even if he did wager it, after yesterday's discussion, he didn't think the male would be giving him any sexual favors. And as he had also kindly informed the Micha yesterday, he was rich and powerful enough as it was. He could buy anything he wanted, so again, asking for a psychical item fr also pointless. Really, Samuel would only put up a bet because he wanted to know what Micha would give or take just to win against him.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:17 pm
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                                                          "Micha knew there wasn’t much they could bet. Samuel had more than he could ever give him. He watched Samuel was he waited for an answer. Samuel seemed to be thinking about what he could get from Micha. Micha stared at Samuel as he questioned him with another question. He laughed softly as he sighed a little. Micha didn’t want for much really. He didn’t need anything from Samuel either. Micha didn’t mind giving sexual favors though he didn’t think Samuel would request something like that. He wasn’t bother by such things if that’s what Samuel wanted. Micha was willing to bet such things. He shrugged slightly as he looked over the pool table, ”Depends. Are we talking money, sexual favors, or objects?” Micha asked with another question. He wanted to narrow down exactly what and what not Samuel was willing to wager. "
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:55 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Honestly Samuel didn't know what to expect from Micha. If it was money, fine. Something sexual, depended on what he wanted. And anything else he was willing to negotiate. When the male responded with his very thoughts, all he could do was sigh. "Friendly it is." he replied. They were now just going in circles. He had a feeling were they to keep this up, they'd end up asking one another questions longer than they would spend actually playing the game. He finished setting up and removed the triangle, setting it on the bar behind him. He then fished around in his pocket for a quarter to pick who went first. "Call it." he said before flipping the coin. He watched the coin flip, catching it soon in the palm of his left and slapping it on to the back of his right. Removing his left hand, he held out his right for the other to see who won. He smiled at the male and replaced the coin in his pocket then handed the white ball over to the male. Samuel stepped aside, hoping the male would make it interesting.

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:01 pm
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                                                          "Micha heard Samuel and simply nodded. It seemed Samuel wanted nothing. He could be content with a simple friendly game if that’s what Samuel wanted. Micha watched as Samuel continued to set up the table. He found it amusing how Samuel and he could always seem to go in circles and never get anywhere. Micha moved toward the corner as he leaned against the wall. He watched as Samuel finished. Micha heard Samuel speak as he pulled a quarter from his pocket. ”Tails.” He called out as he watched Samuel flip the quarter to see who would go first. Micha looked at Samuel’s hand as he held it out to him.

                                                          He saw it was tails which meant he went first. Micha took the ball from Samuel as he pulled away from the wall. He moved toward the end of the table as he set the white ball on the table. Micha centered it as he held onto his pool stick. He leaned down as he positioned the end of the stick near the ball. Micha held onto the end of the stick as looked at the end of the table. He looked the balls over as he observed the white ball. Micha pulled the stick back a few times as he angled it. He took the chance as he hit the ball and watched it spin toward the others. Micha heard the balls crack as they split apart in different directions. He didn’t pocket any balls which meant it was Samuel’s turn.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:54 pm
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Sɑɱυεƪ ᴊᴏᵴҥʋᴀ Ɖɑᴠіʂ
“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose."

Samuel watched the male as he lined up the white ball before shooting. His form wasn't perfect, but he wasn't terrible. The sharp sound of the balls hitting one another filled the room. He smiled as the male failed to pocket any of the balls and pushed away from the wall to take his own turn. Walking around the table, he examined the possible angles. He moved again around the table, leaning over as he lined up his pool stick and hitting the ball. The ball moved to the other side of the table, knocking against the solid red ball which in turn rolled towards the far right pocket before stopping right in front of the pocket without falling in. With it being Micha's turn again, he moved out of the way to go grab a pack of cigarettes from behind the bar. He hadn't smoked all day, which was rare for him. Samuel came back around to sit on a bar stool. He slipped one between his lips and lit it. Inhaling deeply, he looked to the male, not sure if he wanted one, so decided to leave the pack out so they could share again. "So what did you end up doing today?" he asked curiously, breaking the silence that had seemed to fallen again. "I mean before I sent you to come find me."

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Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:44 pm
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                                                          "Micha wasn’t all that concerned with perfection at the moment. The game was meant to be friendly not competitive. He knew however that Samuel was competitive in his own way. Micha moved toward the wall as he leaned against it. He watched as Samuel moved toward the pool table to take his turn. Micha watched as Samuel made his move hitting the white ball against the red solid ball. He watched as the ball rolled but made no move toward a pocket. Micha slipped away from the wall as it was his turn now. He moved toward the table as he looked it over. Micha didn’t bother watching Samuel as he went about getting a cigarette. He leaned over the table as he angled the pool stick at the white ball. Micha watched the ball as he looked at his target. He focused on his target as he hit the white ball which knocked into the stripe blue ball. Micha watched as the ball rolled and pocketed into a pocket. He heard Samuel speak as he looked up at him. ”Sleeping, checked my emails, sat around for a while, got onto the subway, texted you, and then got your lovely text to come find you.” Micha spoke as he looked back at the table. He positioned his pool stick at the white ball again as he aimed for the next ball green stripes. Micha hit the white ball as it hit the stripes but didn’t pocket. He stepped away from the table as he moved back toward the wall as he waited for Samuel to take his turn. "
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