
any time i hit a wall in that game i would just wait until my digimon could dna digivolve and cheese it lol

the first digimon game was way tougher in my opinion

I can't say I've beaten that one either. If I'm not mistaken, I was close but then my digimon died of old age and I could not get one that strong again. And at the time it was a rental, when I finally got my own copy it was used and so scratchy that just going to certain areas or having certain digimon in the town would cause it to freeze.

Didn't beat 2 because it was a rental and I didn't get much for allowance at the time.

3 I actually believe I did beat. I can't remember for sure though.

and 4 was a different game altogether and was kinda dull single player, so didn't beat it either.