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Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:13 pm

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                                                  Jepsen didn’t mind talking about himself. After all he didn't think Ally would talk about himself. Not that he didn’t find himself interesting, it wasn’t all that important to him. He watched as Ally shrugged his shoulder to his question. Jepsen smiled at the thought that Ally didn’t know what to ask. He listened as Ally soon sprouted off some questions. Jepsen laughed softly, ”I had books, but more along the lines of just one.” He spoke as he relaxed on the couch beside Ally. ”I didn’t start to read more until after I left home.” Jepsen spoke softly, as he took a sip of his coffee. ”I had to teach myself many things, after all not all of us graduate, even the men. We usually are forced to quit by the age of fourteen, since education will get you nowhere.” He spoke as he glanced at Ally. Jepsen didn’t mind talking with him, he found it to be relaxing. Since he didn’t talk about his past often, or really with anyone.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:22 pm
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            Samuel didn't really get why Micha felt so strongly about repaying him. It wasn't as though he was keeping a list of debts owed to him. After all it was just a bit of wine. In his view, there was no debt whatsoever and Micha could simply relax. He went on to take another bite, enjoying every bit of it. Glancing up, he saw Micha nod in agreement before speaking, followed by taking another sip of his wine. As they both sat there eating, their waiter came over to check on them. Samuel said nothing as Micha ordered himself some water. He also didn't go ahead and order himself another glass of wine. Just by looking at the male he could tell that he felt guilty for accepting the first drink. A part of him wanted to argue that it was fine, the wine was simply a gift. But he also didn't want to fight about it. It wasn't worth getting upset over. Returning his attention to his food Samuel continued to eat and take small sips.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:50 pm
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              It wasn't so much that he wouldn't talk about himself. It was more that he didn't see himself as all that interesting to talk about. Unlike Jepsen he didn't come from some not-so-secret society. Nor like Liam was he was some small hick town in the middle of the bayou. He was just someone with a bad childhood and grew up not liking people because of it. End of story. At least Jepsen's past was interesting. Alaine ignored the way the male smiled as he admitted to not knowing what to talk about. It seemed to only further amuse him as he spouted off more random questions. Without even realizing, he pouted as the male laughed beside him. He was starting to wish he had just told the idiot to go home. As he went on to talk about books, Alaine couldn't help making a disgusted face. The man didn't even have to tell him to know what book he was referring to. To certain people it always seemed that there was only one book. Alaine preferred to never touch said book. He'd avoided it most of his life and would like to continue doing so in the future.

              As Jepsen continued to speak, Alaine was counting his lucky stars he was not born into such a society. If not for the event that led to Jepsen's leaving, he was sure if he had been born into such a society they would have thrown him out personally. It surprised him to learn that men did not get a full education. While he could agree it probably wouldn't do much for those people, he knew no one was trying to go to Harvard. But still, weren't there laws in place to ensure that everyone got an equal education? How did they get around that? So many more questions, but he wasn't sure he wanted the answers just now. What he had learned, by his standards was horrifying enough. "That's really messed up. I thought most states didn't allow you to drop out until you were like sixteen." he replied, glancing over at the male. "Alright, let's change topic. So you said you left because you found out you were gay. Did you ever try experimenting while still living at home? Or when did you ever try anything with another guy?" Learning about the males' past was fine and dandy, but if he was being honest it was putting a bit of a damper on his mood. He'd much prefer talking about something a bit more raunchy and closer to the present Jepsen.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 2:21 pm

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                                                  Micha knew he didn’t have to repay Samuel. Just as he didn’t have to give him visions of him licking off whip cream from his body, but he did. He took amusement out of it, because he wanted to, not because he had to. If he didn’t want to, then he wouldn’t have let Samuel kiss or touch him. Micha wasn’t so much as guilty, as he didn’t find himself worth expensive wine. He however wouldn’t let it bother him. There was no sense in arguing with Samuel. After all he knew it wouldn’t do him any good. Micha knew Samuel eventually got his way with him. He continued to eat, until the waiter came over with a dessert menu. Micha thanked him, as he looked it over, as he continued to finish his meal. He wasn’t a big dessert person, but he couldn’t help but want to indulge a little.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 3:02 pm
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            If Micha wanted to sit here and talk about pleasures foretold than that was his prerogative. However, nothing he said or did would make him feel guilty about buying him expensive wine. It was a gift, nothing more, nothing less. A simple gesture to celebrate their reunion. He expected nothing in return. Not even sexual favors. Their waiter soon came and went. Samuel kept his opinions to himself as he really did not want to start anything over something so minuscule. Taking a few more bites, he noticed that the waiter had also left them with a desert menu. "See anything you want?" he asked in-between bites. If the male wanted to get something for desert as well, that was fine with him. He would much prefer that Micha left the restaurant full and happy. Rather than starving and kicking himself for letting his pride get in the way.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 3:21 pm
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        Everyone knew the book, even if no one talked about it. Jepsen had never been religious even when he was. He hated going to church every day, as much as he hated working in the stables his father owned. Jepsen hadn’t picked up the book since the day he left. He saw no use for it, after all he had gone against everything he had grown to know. Jepsen watched as Ally pouted at his laughing. He found it only cuter, after all seeing Ally pout wanted to make him tease him all the more. Jepsen had seen too as Ally made a disgusted look as he spoke about the book. It didn’t surprise him, to see that Ally wasn’t religious. He wasn’t bothered by that fact, he wasn’t really anymore. Jepsen had grown to hate his past for what it was, though there were some people he wished he could have taken with him, but it wasn’t possible once they made their choice.

        True, his background and before he had left was not all that interesting. Jepsen mained an idea of forgetting about it as much as possible. He didn’t even have his high school diploma. Jepsen had thought about getting a GED, so he could go to college but what would be the point. He didn’t see a college degree to be who he was. Jepsen glanced at Ally as he spoke about his upbringing. He shrugged it off, after all he didn’t find it all that important. It had given him the chance the choice that lead him here.

        Jepsen didn’t mind changing topic, after all what was interesting about his education. He listened as Ally questioned him, not at all surprised nor bothered. It was expected after all. Jepsen shook his head at Ally’s question. ”Oh, I knew I was gay… Women just didn’t do it for me. Sure I had a few girls who crushed on me. My father even wanted to set me up with one of them, who was the daughter of his friend. I was more interested in the boys in the area, but never actually tried anything till I left. It just wasn’t possible, I would never hear the end of it, nor would I survive it. My father would have married me off anyways whether I wanted it or not.” He spoke running a hand through his hair, sighing a little mostly to himself. Jepsen didn’t really start experimenting till he was out of the community on his own.

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 3:38 pm

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                                                  As he looked over the dessert menu, there were a few things that caught his eye. There was no chance he would be starving if he left here. Even with the chicken and squash, he was content. Micha just merely couldn’t help himself. He glanced toward Samuel as he questioned him. Micha shook his head, it was all cake. He didn’t particularly like it. Sure it looked great on paper, but didn’t always live up the dream. Micha set the menu aside for now, as he continued with his lunch/dinner. ”No, I’m okay.” He spoke smiling at Samuel, as he figured he could always get a quart of ice cream from the convenience store near his hotel if he wanted to.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:02 pm
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              Alaine was never religious. Growing up, it had always felt odd to him talking about a God he was unfamiliar with and wasn't exactly sure he believed in. Most people around him found it strange that his parents had both come from religious backgrounds and yet did not take him to any place of worship as well. It wasn't until he was older that in turn Alaine found it strange that so many people could come from different religious backgrounds and still believe in the same God. What was the point in separating if they were all focused on the same deity? The more questions he asked the more people got offended by his questioning. It was often said to him that he just needed to believe and pray. Believing was one thing, but praying just felt downright awkward to him. He felt as though he were trying to have a conversation with his ceiling. As he approached adulthood he knew that religion simply was not for him. It never had been for him and it was very likely that it never would be. He didn't mind being labeled as an atheist or agnostic. Either label wasn't too far from the truth. He simply did not believe in God.

              Alaine ignore Jepsen while he took interest in his face. He willed himself not to blush or pay too much attention to the man. It would only add to his antics. As he watched him, Jepsen shrugged to his comment but did not really say much more on the matter. He did wonder though if the male had actually finished school. Even a GED was fine. At least in his opinion. Not to mention, while Jepsen may not have any goals of attending college, if he were to quit working for the club others jobs might require he at least have a high school equivalent degree.

              Not wanting to hear anymore, for now, about the males upbringing he abruptly changed the topic. While being gay in itself wasn't all that special, he was interested in learning how the male dealt with it. Given the views of his community and all that. Alaine watched as the male shook his head before speaking. It came as no surprise to him that he was already aware of his gayness before leaving the community. In his humble opinion, it seemed as though most queer people knew of their sexuality and identities long before they were ever given terms for them. Alaine couldn't help making another face as the male went on to talk about being forced into marriage. He never understood why so many cultures were keen on creating awkward relationships. As if they got some kind of high from playing matchmaker. "Again, that's really messed up." he interjected. The more Jepsen told him of his upbringing, the more he was convinced the whole thing was a cult in the guise of religion.

              As the male soon finished speaking, he couldn't help feeling a bit sad for Jepsen. It was bad enough to be separated from his friends and family. But even worse knowing that if he had stayed, then he would be pushed into a marriage he didn't even want to begin with. It saddened him to think how hated he must have been. But also, he was glad that he was free. "So random question. Just how many guys have you hooked up with since leaving home? Have you ever had a boyfriend?" he asked curiously.

Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:30 pm
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        Jepsen had never been big on god either. He never understood, that just one god was the right one. Jepsen hadn’t really learned other religions until he left. It was one of the reasons too, that children of the amish weren’t allowed to go out into society. They might be stray from the right religion. Jepsen still had his book, but he hadn’t opened it since he left. He saw no point, after all he had practically been raised to memorize it from an early age.

        As he talked about being forced to marry, he merely shrugged at Ally’s words. ”It’s to be expected, so would making children.” Jepsen spoke knowing that just wasn’t in for him. Sure he liked children, but didn’t himself being a father. He couldn’t tie himself down to a child, who would never get his full attention. Jepsen knew for most people, children made things better but not for him.

        It didn’t surprise him if Ally didn’t understand the lifestyle, but he didn’t want to be pitied. Jepsen was happy where he was. He listened as Ally questioned him more about his relationships. Jepsen didn’t mind, but it wasn’t as if he was completely experienced. ”I’ve been with a couple men, but none I would say were boyfriends.” He spoke shrugging a little. It was not because he didn’t want one, but merely because he never found one who would stay around enough. They usually tended to be all flings.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:33 pm
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            If he truly wanted something for desert than Samuel did not mind him ordering it. He was sure they might have some nice cheesecakes or pies that might be up to Micha's standards. As he ate, he watched the male scan the few pages before setting the menu aside. Of course he knew that Micha would not be completely starving. That was perhaps a poor choice of words. What he meant was that he hoped everything met Micha's expectations and more. If those expectations included desert, he was happy to pay for that as well. He met the males gaze as he looked up when he questioned him. It came as little surprise that the male would shake his head and politely decline. Samuel smiled back at the male, "Alright, but if you see something you wanna share. Let me know." he replied kindly. Samuel doubted that Micha would find any such deserts. But he didn't mind leaving the option out on the table for him.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:50 pm

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                                                  If he wanted something, he would tell Samuel. At the moment, he was currently content with his dinner. Micha was starting to get full however especially since the meal came with two pieces of chicken and a heaping serving of parmesan squash. He didn’t want to waste the food, so he ate most of it. Micha soon finished as he wiped off his mouth. He set his napkin aside taking a drink of water. Micha nodded at Samuel’s words, ”I will, but for now I’m fine.” He spoke smiling at Samuel, as he pushed his plate aside. Micha crossed his arms, setting them on the table. He saw no need to hurry, after all the club didn’t open for a few more hours, but he knew Samuel had to be there to let people in to set up.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:08 pm
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              In a way, he guessed he was lucky. Growing up, he often heard his friends complain about how they couldn't do this or that because they had church or temple, for some of his friends it was Hebrew school. It all sounded so tedious. He was glad he didn't have to worry about looking his "Sunday best" or forgetting his bible for study on Wensdays. He didn't see the point in being excited to force a religion on others when they went on these so called missions. He didn't know a single phrase by heart nor was he aware of all the names of the disciples, and that suited him just fine. Alaine did not care that he wasn't baptized or blessed or whatever they wanted to call it. Religion just was never going to be apart of his life. And he was okay with that.

              Alaine couldn't help interrupting, wanting to put in his two bits about the idea of an arranged marriage. He had seen how an arranged marriage had affected Samuel. It was nearly the same situation, minus the weird religious cult. As Jepsen continued, he cringed. If he were in such a situation, he might be able to get used to being married. It'd be a very dull marriage, but maybe he could be friends with a woman. Getting her pregnant though was out of the question. Alaine had no interest in children at all. He found them to be loud, gross, and sometimes very boring. Not to mention with each passing generation they just seemed to be getting more whiny and needy. If he wanted to deal with that, he'd crash at Samuel's place more often. That man was whiny and needy enough for an entire army.

              Consciously he wasn't trying to pity Jepsen. He knew his life had gotten better since leaving the community. At least from the way he described it, it sounded as though it were better. On the one hand to some extent he didn't need to worry as much about getting killed for being the person he was. Alaine saw no reason he shouldn't ask about his relationships. It wasn't as though the male said he couldn't talk about them. So he supposed everything was alright when it came to asking questions for that particular topic. He listened as the male explained about being with men, but nothing really coming out of it. He knew that feeling. "Let me tell you you're not missing much. Men in this city are trash. If you want something long term, do yourself a favor and buy a dog. At least Spot or whoever will never leave you."


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:32 pm
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        Jepsen didn’t mind Ally’s two cents. After all it was expected, especially seeing who would enjoy an arranged marriage. He couldn’t see his life tied to a person he didn’t even want. Jepsen wanted to make his own relationship choices in life, not be forced into them. Especially seeing that the amish didn’t believe in divorce either. They were usually married to the person for life, or until death.

        He had been with a few men, but really in the end they never worked out. Jepsen wanted something meaningful with a person. He just liked every other person, hadn’t found the right one. Jepsen listened as Ally spoke about getting a dog. He rolled his eyes, it was almost laughable. ”Sure..Spot can love you emotionally, but not physically.” Jepsen spoke sticking his tongue out at Ally. Dogs, were all great but he didn’t need a companion. It just seemed sad the idea really.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:36 pm
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              After seeing the way an arranged marriage had affected Samuel, there was no way in hell he would ever allow himself to be in one. Religion, family, all of it be damned. There was just no way he could picture himself being married to a complete stranger. And not only that be made to create spawn with that person. He would faster runaway than be forced to a life like that. The mere thought disgusted him. He was glad that Jepsen had escaped to this new life, despite whatever hardships he might face. Whatever they were they did not compare to living a lie.

              Alaine couldn't say why, but he was interested in learning about Jepsen's dating life. Of course this wasn't to say he wanted to help set him up or anything of the like. He just wondered what sort of man he preferred. Besides, he doubted at this point the man's love life could be any more depressing than his own. If he never saw Liam again, good riddance. Alaine was too cynical at the moment to hope for something meaningful. He'd prefer a pet at the moment. He ignored Jepsen as he rolled his eyes beside him, but at least heard him out. "If it's physical you want, that's what friends and hookers are for." he replied, sticking his own tongue out as well.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:06 pm
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        The idea of sleeping with a hooker did not appeal to him. Sure he could try but what would be the fun. He was not into the idea however if getting STDs. With a hooker he had a higher chance. After all it wasn't as if he had the money to pay a high end hooker. As for a friend, there was no such thing as just one time. Jepsen didn't want things to be awkward. However he never had a friend who elited sexual interest in him. He laughed softly, ”And would you pay for sex?” Jepsen asked curiously but he wasn't forcing Ally to answer him if he didn't want to.
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