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Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:51 pm
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                            Abel wasn't so unfair that he wouldn't offer Miguel food. It was the least he could do after ******** him. He didn't find it a fair exchange but it was better than death. Abel nodded as he heard Miguel speak. He moved toward the wireless phone near the counter. Abel picked it up as Miguel slipped off the counter. He went about punching in the numbers to his favorite Chinese place. Abel heard Miguel speak watching as he picked up his bottle of Monkey Shoulder Scottish Malt Whiskey. He moved to grab another shot glass handing it over to him. Abel didn't mind sharing if Miguel wanted a drink. He went about placing his order as the line was picked up on the other end. It would be forty-five minutes before the food was delivered.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 1:58 pm
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                      Indeed food wasn't a very fair exchange. If said out loud it almost made him seem like a two bit whore. Still, he didn't really see a need to complain. He had gotten what he wanted which was some good c**k. And now Abel was getting what he wanted which was apparently late night Chinese food. Slipping off of the counter Jakob gravitated towards the bottle of whiskey. He looked over the bottle and soon inquired about it. Unsurprisingly, Abel did not give him a verbal answer. Instead, a shot glass was handed to him while the man punched in a phone number. Jakob took the glass that was given to him and set it on the counter. Twisting off the top he gave the amber liquid a small sniff. It seemed stronger than what he was used to but other than that he didn't complain. Instead he continued to pour himself a full shot, recapped the bottle, and lifted the glass. He turned around to see Abel reciting the order followed by his address. Just as he hung up, Jakob knocked back the shot in one go. The liquid was sweet and a hint of something else he wasn't exactly sure how to describe but he liked it. It went down smoothly and wasn't as harsh on his throat as some other whiskeys he'd tried in the past. Setting down the glass, he looked to see Abel was now off the phone. "Not bad." he said, licking his lips.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:43 pm
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                            Abel was merely being civil toward Miguel. He didn't have to be. Abel could renege on his promise not to hurt Miguel. He didn't have to feed him. Abel could let him starve for all he cared. He went about making their order as he heard Miguel speak. Abel offered him a shot glass instead of words. He watched as Miguel went about pouring a shot and knocking it back. Abel finished with the order as he hung up the phone. He set it aside watching as Miguel assessed his choice of alcohol. Abel found it amusing moving closer towards Miguel, watching as he licked his lips. He reached out pushing him lightly against the counter. Abel leaned down to kiss him tasting the alcohol on his lips, with notes of citrus, honey, and vanilla.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:59 pm
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                      He supposed he should have considered himself grateful as he knew just as well the things Abel could do to him. He didn't have to feed him. Hell, he didn't have to ******** him. That could have all easily been a ploy to lure him into his house. Even now, standing in the kitchen he was completely defenseless with his weapons upstairs sitting on Kieran's night stand. He didn't know the kitchen well enough to try and find something to use as a weapon. It was very likely that if Abel had wanted to kill him, now would be the perfect moment to do so.

                      After taking the shot Jakob set down the empty glass. He said all of two words to describe his opinion and licked his lips out of habit. Looking towards the man he was given no verbal response. Instead he watched as Abel took the two steps towards him, his hands pushing lightly against his chest. Jakob took a step back from the man and found himself pressed against the counter. A moment later Abel's lips pressed against his own. Gripping the counter behind him he stood there frozen for a moment. He couldn't wrap his head around why exactly Abel would kiss him. They had finished their business upstairs. Still, he couldn't deny that he liked the way those lips pressed to his and given all that he had done tonight saw no reason to deny him. Closing his eyes, Jakob kissed the man back.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:28 pm
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                            Just because they had finished ******** upstairs, didn't mean he was done with him. Abel felt Miguel tense as he kissed him. He wondered if Miguel would return the kiss or push him away. Abel felt him relax and kiss him back. He pulled his hand back from his chest but moved his hands toward the counter behind Miguel. Abel pinned him lightly against the counter as he kissed him. He found it amusing how easily he gave in to kiss him back.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:47 pm
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                      The of pushing Abel away had occurred to him. But what good would it really do him? He was unarmed and had no real reason to reject him other than the fact that he was with Kieran. The way he saw it they had already passed the point of no return. Not only that, it was useless to deny himself something he obviously enjoyed. After a moment's hesitation Jakob returned the kiss. As he did so he felt the man's hand leave his chest and was pinned against the counter. He kissed the man one more time before pulling back slightly. "What are you doing?" he asked curiously. It was a simple enough question, one he wasn't too sure would receive an honest answer. But he could try nonetheless.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:19 pm
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                            Abel wasn't known for kissing his bedroom partners. It was rare that he did it. The idea of kissing another person left them to be vulnerable. He preferred not to kiss his partners after all personal pleasure was not part of the game. Abel kissed Miguel, pinning him against the counter. He soon felt Miguel pull away to question him. Abel found it amusing, What does it look like?" He spoke plainly standing before Miguel. Abel wore nothing but sweatpants, standing there with his tattoos bared.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:01 am
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                      Jakob had never had any issues kissing other people. Perhaps it had something to do with the way he grew up. He doubted it though. He just didn't see much reason to deny himself simple pleasures. Even if he was never going to see that person again, one kiss wasn't going to kill them. But with Abel it seemed different. He didn't strike him as someone who would normally kiss his partners. Especially now that they were no were no longer in the bedroom.

                      Still even with these thoughts it didn't stop him from taking at least one kiss from those lips. As the man pinned him against the counter Jakob kissed him a second time before pulling back to question him. Instead of being given an answer, he was given a question of his own. Jakob rolled his eyes. "I know what it looks like. But that doesn't answer my question." he replied just as plainly.

                      If he could believe it were just a simple kiss he wouldn't have questioned him. As it were, he looked the man over. If someone were to walk in now he was sure they would get the same kind of impression he was. Pinned against the counter wearing nothing but a t-shirt and his skivvies while Abel, who was also scantily clad, invaded his space. Waiting for an answer, Jakob looked the man over. He hadn't really paid much attention to his tattoos before, now that he was so close he could see them in better detail. After taking a moment, he raised his eyes back up to meet the man's watchful gaze.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:40 am
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                            The question was simple but he didn't want to answer it. He watched as Miguel rolled his eyes at him. Abel listened as Miguel spoke, taking in his annoyed tone. He watched as Miguel looked down at his chest taking in his tattoos. Abel found no reason to give him an honest answer. He pulled back from Miguel, releasing the counter. "Don't ask a stupid question if you don't like the answer given." Abel spoke almost a little harshly. He moved away from the counter heading out of the kitchen. Abel walked towards the living room. He saw no reason to explain himself. Abel grabbed the remote for the television, flicking it on. He normally didn't watch it but it was this or go back to his office. Abel took a seat on the couch as he went about searching for something to watch.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:58 pm
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                      Waiting for the man's answer he wondered if he would actually answer him. To him it didn't seem stupid. It was a simple enough question and he wanted to know what reason he had for kissing him. It seemed odd to him that Abel would want to kiss just for the sake of kissing him. Jakob looked the man over as he continued to wait. Gazing back up at him, he watched as Abel pulled back from the counter. His words were harsh as he spoke and Jakob couldn't figure out what he had done done wrong. He watched as the man walked out of the kitchen in a huff and into the next room.

                      Jakob stared after him feeling confused. He didn't understand at all what the hell just happened. After a moment or two, he shook his head. Pouring himself another shot, he downed it in one go, and followed after the man. Abel was easy enough to find. He found him sitting on the couch looking like a spoiled brat that had just been denied a new shiny toy. It wasn't his brightest idea but Jakob knew he could be even more annoying. Crossing the room, Jakob took a seat on the couch. Right next to Abel. He didn't look or say anything, just invaded his space because he knew it would annoy him.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:50 pm
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                            Indeed Abel was being childish. He didn't know what to say or do. Abel wasn't used to bring someone home that he wasn't going to kill. The idea of a relationship with someone was not something he wanted. He was content with meaningless sex and not caring about another person.

                            There wasn't a lot of choices within the living room to sit in. It held a large couch and a couple chairs plus a table which sat in front of an entertainment area. Abel sat there flipping through channels as Miguel came into the room. He felt eyes on him as Miguel looked him over assessing him. Abel thought about keeping his distance but Miguel had other plans.

                            He watched as Migued crossed the room to sit on the couch. Abel felt the couch shift as Miguel sat beside him, practically on top of him. He glanced toward him and moved over not enjoying the forced invading his space. Abel was not in the mood anymore to play nice.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:18 pm
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                      Jakob was completely lost on what had occurred between them. One minute Abel was pinning him to the counter and kissing him. The next he stormed off like an angry toddler. It made no sense to him whatsoever. He knew they weren't trying to get together. So why was he getting so weird about it? Did he regret his actions? Want him to leave? It would have been nice if someone would use his words. Instead he was left alone to figure it out on his own.

                      Following Abel into the living room he had his options. While they were not a lot, there was plenty of other spots he could of chosen to sit. He did not feel the need to occupy any of them. As Abel flipped through the channels he crossed the room without saying a single word and sat down next to the man. Jakob knew better than to look at him or say anything. He'd give himself away and start cackling like it was some big joke if he did.

                      As he sat there he could feel the man's eyes glancing towards him. About a moment later Abel scooted away from him. Well that wouldn't do. He knew it was not the best idea to annoy the man. But he brought it upon himself. Jakob waited all of five seconds before following Abel. Again, he invaded his space, their knees knocking into one another as he sat close to him. He kept his eyes on the screen even though the man had yet to settle on a channel.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:44 pm
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                            Abel wasn't regretting anything however it wasn't much of a good idea for Miguel to stay. He didn't know how much longer he would allow Miguel to do as he pleased. Abel shifted on the couch moving away from Miguel. There wasn't anywhere else to go, he sat in the corner. It wasn't long before Miguel moved as well. Abel felt his knee knocking into his own. He glanced toward Miguel seeing him look forward. "Can I help you with something?" Abel asked as he set his remote aside. He didn't settle on anything just let it be while he questioned him.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:02 pm
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                      He was aware of just how much he was pushing his luck. He shouldn't be provoking him like this and yet every fiber of his being encouraged him to do just that. As Abel moved there was nowhere else for him to go. He had two options; move to another place to sit or just ******** talk to him. Jakob would have preferred the latter but he knew it wouldn't happen. Not in this lifetime anyway. So he continued to be a brat. After Abel had moved he was soon to follow. He watched the screen flicker as Abel passed channel after channel, still refusing to settle on something. Less than a minute passed before the man stopped on a random channel. He could feel the man's eyes boring into the side of his skull before he spoke. Jakob then turned to look at Abel, holding his gaze for a moment. He then sighed and got up from the couch. "Apparently not." he replied in Portuguese. Jakob padded back into the kitchen and pulled himself up on to the counter. If they weren't going to talk, he could at least drink the night away. Popping open the bottle Jakob filled his glass for a third time. He quickly down it and followed it with a fourth. If Abel didn't want him to drink his stuff, he shouldn't have left it out.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:25 pm
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                            Abel knew he was being a jerk but talking about nothing was not in his forte. He didn't know what Miguel wanted by getting closer. If anything it was probably giving him all the wrong signals. He questioned Miguel watching as he looked at him before speaking. Abel didn't understand his words. He watched as Miguel stood and went to the kitchen. Abel sighed softly, standing up as well and went into the kitchen. He took note of Miguel sitting on the counter downing his bottle of whiskey with shots. Abel continued into the kitchen grabbing the bottle from Miguel setting it aside. "What is your problem?" He spoke questioning Miguel as he stood before him.

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