You can call me Blasph, Dakota, Koda, or Ricu which ever you can get used to first!
I got invited here randomly, but this seems like a guild I could enjoy for sure. I'm usually active on gaia all the time, but as for guild activities iv'e never been to around for them. I would like to try and be active here ^.^

I do still like to RP even though not a lot of people keep rps up with me or usually rp once every couple of days with a slow reply(Don't mind) so if you're interested in rping gimme a shout!

Anime is my second world I love to escape to and live in!

My favorite genres would be Romance, Slice of Life, Gore, Action, Fantasy

I work 3rd shift on work days so i'm most on in the morning time eastern states time!

I do enjoy some good metal and can always be found listening to almost anything ranging from classical to swing to monk hymns to metal
odd right?

I hope to be have lots of fun here!

Though I have been hung up on this song it gives you an idea on what kind of metal!