xxxxxxB O O K E R xxxL O U I Sxxx S A N D E R S O N - C O B Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Book
              AGE »» 11
              BIRTHDAY »» 9 September 2041
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Chandler Riggs
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 12 1/2 inches, Red Oak with Dragon Heartstring, inflexible and knobby
              ACCENT »» Scouse
              PET »» Betta fish Rocket

              xxx»» Fireworks
              xxx»» Outdoors
              xxx»» Fish
              xxx»» Scary stuff
              xxx»» Spicy food
              xxx»» Bad weather
              xxx»» Being indoors
              xxx»» Classical music
              xxx»» Maths
              xxx»» Horses
              xxx»» Fishing
              xxx»» Reading scary books
              xxx»» Video games

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Book doesn't have a lot of patience, nor a lot of impulse control. Once he's got something in his head, he's probably already halfway done doing it. He rarely asks for permission to do much of anything, and is perfectly fine dealing with the consequences of his actions. Well, usually. If he thinks the consequences aren't equal to his crime, then he'll complain. A lot. And loudly.

              xxx»» Book tends to let his attitude get the better of him. He's not one to take things seriously, and tends to talk back and be excessively combative and sarcastic with authority figures if he doesn't respect them. He's perfectly polite and well-behaved if he likes the person in charge, but if he doesn't, he's not about to sit quietly and let their nonsense go un-remarked-upon.

              xxx»» Book gets bored easily, and he's excellent at coming up with new and interesting ways to become not-bored. His mind is always going, always coming up with new and exciting distractions. He tends have a hard time following instructions, or even remembering them, so coming up with his own method for accomplishing things is sort of necessary.

              xxx»» It's not that Book's trying to be a jerk, he just has absolutely no verbal filter whatsoever and is very matter-of-fact about most things. He tends to stick his foot in his mouth on a daily basis, and doesn't usually feel sorry about it unless it makes someone he likes cry. Mostly, he just says what he thinks and figures people can deal with it, which leads to some very unfortunate comments here and there.

              xxx»» "Calm" is not a word used to describe Booker. Not his volume, not his behavior, not his clothes, nothing. If he goes more than ten minutes without saying something, it usually means he's plotting. Even then, he tends to not be totally silent; to keep his thought process on track, he usually mumbles whatever he's thinking. If he's concentrating on something, he usually narrates it, or even sings it if he's in a particularly good mood. Bare minimum, he hums constantly.

              xxx»» Everything about Booker is fast. He thinks fast, talks fast, moves fast. He has a hard time concentrating on most things because by the time someone else is done saying their piece, he's already moved past it. Having to slow down and explain things to people agitates him, so he tends to get annoyed with people who can't simply keep up. He's also prone to accidents because he can't sit still, and doesn't really pay attention to his surroundings when he moves, too concerned with getting from point A to point B.

              xxx»» Intelligent
              xxx»» Brave
              xxx»» Impatient
              xxx»» Distractable
              xxx»» Horses
              xxx»» Confined spaces

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Booker had a fairly run of the mill, if somewhat chaotic, childhood. He had no siblings, two parents, three grandparents, and two aunts, one of whom he spent most of his earliest years being babysat by. The second aunt was a bit of a mystery to him, since he didn't see her as much. That, of course, just made her into his role model, much to his mother's eternal chagrin. Aunt Mercy, who insisted that he, like everyone else, just call her Merc, had the coolest job in the world, and a pretty alright boyfriend. Aunt Patience's husband was decidedly not alright, so choosing a favorite was simple for Book.
              xxx»» He spent most of his childhood wondering why Merc and Glynn were more distant than the rest of his family, especially since Merc seemed more than happy to dote and coddle him when she was around. The question was answered when he was almost nine, and suddenly weird things started to happen around him. There was a lot of hush-hush conversation between his parents for a few months, before finally Merc showed up at the house and declared him a wizard. Turned out, she was a witch, and she'd been distant because his mother hadn't wanted to tell his dad about magic. Which was totally stupid, Book thought, and said, multiple times. Still, his dad wasn't super on-board with it, so Merc's visits only became slightly more frequent.
              xxx»» That all changed as he got closer to his eleventh birthday. It took a while for him to learn why, but eventually he and his dad got his mum to tell them about Hogwarts, the school Merc had attended. It was, apparently, one of the best magic schools you could go to. His dad wasn't sure at first that he wanted Book going to a magic school at all, but his mum's family eventually convinced him that it was necessary. Book was thrilled, since it meant he'd get to learn how to do cool magic like his aunt.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SECOND YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              YEAR »» First
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              DREAM JOB »» Working for Aunt Merc

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» Father John Cobb Mother Hope Sanderson-Cobb
              xxx»» Paternal Grandfather Louis Cobb
              xxx»» Maternal Grandfather William Sanderson Brooke
              xxx»» Aunt Patience Cole Henry Cole
              xxx»» Aunt Mercy Sanderson Glynn Llewellyn
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -


xxx ««

❝Yukitty❞ 5/30/2021 ««
~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [06/22/2021]««