gaia_crown What do you think of the Guild?
gaia_crown Do you have any Suggestions for the Guild?
gaia_crown If you have a suggestion for a new subforum what would it be?
gaia_crown Do you have suggestions for future guild contests?
Please comment below!
FAQ: Can you organize or delete subforums and post?
Answer: Unfortunately No! Even as Captain of the guild I have limited access to what I can do.
I can not re-arrange the subforums!
I can not Mass delete Forum posts
I would have to go into each forum post scroll down to the bottom of the page and delete it individually
FAQ: Why can't I just donate in guild Home page!
Answer: The Guild Home page donation can only be used for announcements and subforums. I cannot use them for contest prizes and reward
If you wish to donate to the guild please send a trade request and PM to the captain
FAQ: Are you going to do avatar contests?
Answer: Yes
I used to do Tektek contest in the past (if anyone is old enough to remember that )
I am figuring out, how to use the Avatar builder to do anime Avi contests for the guild contests.
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Anime Help Guild
Guild for Anime,Manga, Live-Action Asian Drama, Asian Music K-pop Recommendations & Discussions, ChatSpace,TV Series/WesternCartoons + More.