Cherry tells the used moped seller: "A friend of mine needs wheels so she can get a license... So, she can get a part-time day-job. Her S.S.I. is pathetic, she has less than $250 spending money per month... She just needs something cheap, and street legal she can get to a local part-time job with..."
Cherry finds the moped to be in good condition, and officially street legal by the government, so goes ahead and buys it to resell to her 7TC front alter, so the girl can do more work than only her part-time 7 job. "Thanks, this will help lift her out of as severe of poverty. She's only 17, but her family's financially struggling, because the rising prices from the war. I'll have her pay me $100 a month till she pays it off. She'll need money for gas money, and emergency needs, so I can only charge from $50 to $100 per month till paid off. But, she desperately need this assistance in getting out of being so broke. Then, we gotta get her hired at a grocery store. Thanks for your help."