Here is all the avi art I have received to date. (oldest to newest)
An avi art of me! Isn't it cool? It'd by ~Midnight Wonderer~

Another avi by ShadoeKat. It's so cute!

Here's me by Rokonodon:

And by NozomiWhiteWolf:

By stargal368:

And a bunniful one by InnerDragon

Here's by raven_of_chaos:

One by SuvakaStar:

One by ~Teh Laiho~:

And one by Earyn:

One by Debi Von Trapp



The Goat:

Chase Hetterz:
 _____________________________________________________________________ A cool superstar654
daydreamer_girl · Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 03:21am · 0 Comments |