I finally got sound hooked up on my computer!! Now I don't hafta bug Hatake to listen to songs for my profile!! YAY!!! I for some reason am finding myself listening to songs I don't think I'd ever listen to if I weren't myself. Lose Yourself, by Eminem. Soundz of Freedom Bob Sinclair & Cutee B. Uhh...... Vayamos Companeros....by like...Marquees. Or something. I'm even listening to Ghetto Gospel! WTF RIGHT?!?!?! whee Oh &of course Numa Numa Dance. I'm also listening to Crazy Frog music to bug people. And Aqua! mrgreen
Okay, my friend Hatake and I were doing research, cause at one point my two favourite cartoon peepz were Shikamaru and Iruka. Well, theyre almost exactly alike!
 Young Shikamaru
 Young Iruka!!
 Older Shikamaru
Okay, does ANYONE see the similarities?!?! Besides Hatake & I, of course. I just needed to point this fact out. Ahem...okay, back to other things. Like me!! I'm awesome. I know.
AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!! I just searched these two actresses people keep saying I look like. Keira Knightley, and Natalie Portman. I mean....they're too old to look like me!! I BET THEY HAVE WRINKLES!! OK OK they're not that old.... >.>........ I only think it's cause I have the wide eyes and like...facial structure. & Maybe the nose. But really, I look like me, not anyone else. mrgreen
Tilly_Witch · Thu Aug 16, 2007 @ 11:02am · 0 Comments |