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Daevyr's Log: Titles Are Overrated
It's just a place where I keep thoughts or images that I want to be able to find later.
That, boys and girls, was Family Force Five.
Energetic, eh?
I went to their concert last night. It was pretty coolbeans. Addy and Fox (WHO IS AMAZINGFACE!) hung around on the fringes of the crowd watching and making cracks at their tambourine player while 'unenthusiastically moshing'. Where the hell did that word come from anyways?

ADDY (during the first two or three songs): Hey, why is there a random guy dancing around on stage?
FOX: Skanky backup dancer?
GEMINI: I'm pretty sure he's the lead singer's b***h.

The vocalist was flinging his head around so much that his...neck...tie...hankerchief thing came off. (I have absolutely no idea what to call it.)
So yeah. It was good fun.
and yeeeep, I need to pay Fox back...

One bad thing, though--

12-year-old, shrieking, squealing groupies.