black cat girls.......
Saya Minatsuki
 Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese), Caitlin Glass (English) Saya appeared suddenly to Train on a rooftop one night, and the two of them shared a strange friendship that spanned only a few days. Still, those few days seemed to be enough to cause a change in Train. Saya influenced Train to do what he wanted to do and live freely, which causes Train to decide not to follow Chrono's orders anymore, as he leaves. Creed, who admired Train's way of killing and felt a paranoic obsession with Train, watches from afar until he gets the chance to one day meet with Saya when Train's not around, and kill her. Except for the timeline changes, the situation between Saya and Train is pretty much the same as in the manga.
Kyoko Kirisaki
 Voiced by: Chiemi Chiba (Japanese), Monica Rial (English) Kyōko's primary difference in the anime is that she was never shown to have killed anybody. Even when attacking soldiers with the rest of the Apostles, she seemed to deliberately avoid actually killing people. She was also never given the ultimatum to join the Chronos Numbers (which was a test by Sephiria).Her crush on Train still remains in the anime in which she usually tries to kiss him, only to be kissing a cat used as a shield by Train. She makes a reappearance alongside Charden to help Train near the final Eden plot.
 Voiced by: Misato Fukuen (Japanese), Brina Palencia (English) Eve does not seem to have the intense rivalry with Train as she did in the manga. This is most likely because due to the anime's altered timeline of events, Eve actually ended up joining Sven before Train does. Although in the anime Eve never displays the urge to replace Train as Sven's partner, she is still highly competitive with him, which is shown on many occasions when she would try to catch a criminal before he does. It is hinted in the anime that she could have 'romantic interest' in Sven. In addition, there is foreshadowing in the anime that Eve is cloned from Tearju Lunatique, as Tearju has appeared in the anime as a hospitalized patient with the same hair as Eve. After Creed's defeat in Clarken Island Eve is captured by Mason's Zero Numbers who then uses her to start the Eden project. Mason had arranged for Sven to capture Eve when the accident at Torneo's mansion occurred, so he would raise her well, as Eve saw Sven as the ideal paternal figure, taking away the supposed "romantic interest" in him. That way, Mason could use Eve when she was mature enough to implant her in the Eden machine that would create the monstruous creature that is shown in the Anime, that would bring "world peace" by absorving every single person in the world, turning them into lobotomized creatures incapable of thought other than obeying Mason and his team. Eve does not resonate with Eden, as she's stopped in the final stage by Sven and Train, who rescue her.
Rinslet Walker
 Voiced by: Yukana (Japanese), Jamie Marchi (English) In the Anime, Rinslet doesn't destroy Torneo's nanomachine lab, as Dr. Tearju has already destroyed it when she reaches it. She is not hired by Chronos to help find the location of the Apostles of The Stars' castle, as she is instead hired to steal a bottle of Shinkitou, the drink that allows people to gain the power of Tao. She finds Dr. Tearju in the final part of the story, bringing her along with the heroes to rescue Eve. In the anime, shes disguises herself with her blonde wig many more times than in the manga, impersonating "Elena". Also rather than a whip and a gun Rinslet is a very skilled and strong martial artist who specializes in delivering powerful kicks. At the end of the episode, she ended up with Jenos.
Echidna Parass
Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka (Japanese), Stephanie Young (English)
Same as in the manga, except for the role she plays in the final Eden part. When Mason is about to deliver a fatal blow to Creed, she suddenly appears and takes the blow for him. That is when Creed realizes how much she loves him.
Sephiria Arks
 Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue(Japanese), Lydia Mackay (English) Sephiria holds much animosity towards Train for leaving Chronos, and is generally more aggressive than her Manga counter-part. Her appearance looks younger as well, and she seems to be near Train's age. Her manipulativeness is also played down in the Anime, and she is more forthright than sneaky. She decides to help Train in fighting Eden to rescue Eve when Train defiles her pride. In these battles she demonstrates her superior fighting abilities. At the end of the Anime, she leaves to rebuild Chronos from scratch.
seiran_sm · Wed Jan 02, 2008 @ 07:29pm · 0 Comments |