u probly know thet i had 2 do a 500 word essay if u read the journal entry before this one. it took me 6hrs 2 finish it. i would've finish sooner if i wasnt watching t.v. & if i didnt take 30 minute breaks.
TODAY or 2DAY (i like 2day better than today though) 2day was sadscreamstressedmadgonk . the whole day, ppl kept lecturing us about what happened yesterday.
the lectures got so boring that i almost fell asleep in one.... it was boring.
then class was dismissed.....yada yada yada . on my way home, this annoying boy from my class who trips ppl started bothering me. so i hit him in the head with my textbook, he punched me, i kicked his d**k, he spit on my coat so i chased him around the block. then i saw my friend & she told me that he spit on her hair. since i didnt want my hair 2 be spit on, i just let him run.