A strange thought occured to me as I sat down to write this in the school library with out having finished my french homework.
For some reason, Gaia is an addiction, something that I can't get enough of. I know that last year from about December-March I took a break from gaia, and misses all of the cool items that I could have seen/bought when they were cheap. stare
So I missed the boat on some things. Gaia has helped me work on my writing skills... Like the Aduthule contest that I entered and achived second-round-ness in.
But can I keep on with Gaia? Just like this? Buyign donation items when they are cheap, and working on being a good pet person. Somehow I wonder if I'll ever be able to get away from this. From people who are just like me.
People who see things in the same way I do. People who my mother hates.
Before Gaia and my internet phase, I know that mum was able to shelter me a lot more than she does now. I don't know what she thinks when I start talking about contests that I've entered with out prizes or recgonisition. I think she doesn't understand what Gaia means to some people.
![]() TheSinWithin Community Member ![]() |