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live, love, and die

Community Member
i need help with a name for my story
"Angel..." Edward wispered
I tried to think of a million ways to get rid of him as his hands slid softly around my stomach. I felt Edwards soft sweet breath on my neck. i never realized how relaxing it can feel."come now Angel. you cant be trying to get rid of of me that fast, i mean i just got here." just then Matt walked in the room and saw Edward. "I thought i told you to stay away from her!" Matt shouted."how can one stay away from one so sweet and so tasty"Edward shot a wicked stare at matt and picked me up off the floor and jumped out the window with me on his back."try to catch me twinkle toes" so matt jumped out the window and out spread these beautiful white angel wings. "yeehaw, come on twinkle catch me" just then Edward speeded up, so fast i had to close my eyes.
Then we were in the woods, dark and creepy woods. i still remember the time i was lost in thos woods. so i screamed "MATT" just as loud as that day. thats when i felt his arms and his soft voice whisper "its ok im here" and then i realized i had fallen asleep in edwards arms and now he was nocked out on the ground. we werent even in the woods. Matt held me close and softly sang my favorite song
"Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight, now
I will protect you from, all around you
I will be here DONT you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong, now
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm, This
bond between us
Can't be broken
So im gonna be here dont you cry" and then i fell asleep.
i woke up in my bed with Matt holding me, watching me sleep."good morning angel" he kissed my forhead and pulled me up to eye level......

if you want more contact me and i will start posting more in my jurnal or something but i need help with a name!!!!