Yesh Oo; this is my journal where I shall rant and talk about things that no one seems to care about. I will probobly use this every 5 years, but it shall bring me much pleasure XD now smile, do the jig, and become my minion so I may eat your brain
Dumping my art
Well, why not? =w=; I have a few just lieing around, and blah, I figured I'd just slap them up here for now reason. Most are of my avies over the past two years, and some others are my RP charas and so on =w=; so woohoo XP
Sukiiiiiiii~TT______TT <3 I hate you (not really ;_________; I love you caboodles), you're too nice to me.
My first avi art as a man TTwTT &3
Okay...not my avi or OC, but =w= I paid for her....