zomg, zomg, zomg internets T_T |
Usually, it wouldn't be so bad to have a lack of internet, but I have nothing else to do. Except drive around or walk around. And now I can't walk 'cause my left leg is like "god you're dumb i'm killing you with pain." The continued pain in my foot tells me something is broken >.> ZOMG INTERNET crying
I've eaten Chick-fil-a three times this week xD All because it was there, 3 different places, but sheesh. Oh, I'm a dummy and can't pack ^^ I brought my nice black pants thinking "This should be good for church or if I need to dress up a little for something." Um....so, it helps if I also pack a shirt to wear with them ^^;;;;;; I realized that yesterday and was like "CRAAAAAAAP, I have no shirt." I spent a couple hours walking around the sucky mall with no arcade *pouts* However, I did manage to find something...eventually.
Can I safely amputate my left leg with a few pairs to scissors? gawwwwd, this can't possibly hurt this much @_@ wtf did i doooo? Besides walk up the goddamn hill with my computer today hoping to find internet at the library (oh, and it was starting to rain) and find out that the library closed TWO HOURS before, and have to walk all the way back in the rain? Yeaaaaaa....that prolly did it ^^;;;;;
Last night alone in the room. yay. not really. One thing I prefer to have to myself is a room. Share a bed with Victoria a few times. You'll share the sentiment. No, wait, actually, you won't. I sleep too lightly when there's other people, so her talking wakes me up. Anyone's talking wakes me up. Hitting, too. *glares at Victoria* Oh, and if anything changes after I've fallen asleep, like noise level suddenly changes or the light gets turned on/off, I wake up. I don't get much sleep at all @_@ And I wake up super-early. We've seen where that gets me into trouble.
zomgggggg crying
*is glued to computer for the next forever and a day* ^^
oh, random half-assed poem...if i can find it! ^^;;;;;
Touch me, hug me, Tell me someone cares Sit down beside me Let me know you're there Whisper, listen Be my lovely friend Let me support you On me, you can depend I've dreamed about you So close in the night Though it's not real It's a delight This poem sucks You know it's true But if the thought counts I was thinking of you.
/crappy poem
At the end, I was rereading and thinking it was lame but hell, I was bored. Not very inspire, but extremely bored.
'kay, that's it ^^
*feral snarl*
jeesh, I need to get ahold of myself ^^;;; Overreacting to Thomas's silliness is not good.
waaaaah, Caitlyn's alarm clock/IPod thing is BRIGHT @_@ and 3 feet from my face @_@
nepie · Sun Aug 17, 2008 @ 03:48am · 0 Comments |