I found out one thing today...I love you is eight letters....but so is bullshit. My boyfriend...my everything broke up with me. I guess I have a reason to be emo now....heh...I should've seen this coming. The worst part is that I have to smile and pretend everything is alright since he still wants to be friend. But he doesn't know that every one of my smiles masks a thousand or more tears... Oh well, time to go councel with Bry for another few months. He at least understands everything about me...as does Jordan. I guess all I have to say at this point is...
...there was no pause.
My old signature:
~~~~2 many hearts R broken~~~
 Now check out my new one
Spiraling_into_oblivion · Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 03:36am · 0 Comments |