From the brink of death, I've been pulled into the light yet again. A feat thought to be impossible in my small mind. How did she manage to do this? I constanly ask myself. I am head over heals for this one after I thought I'd never be again. The day of our first kiss shall forever remain engrained in my soul. Oh and I even attached a peace of my soul to her heart so she'll know where to find my love always. I wish to be her white knight, and she knows this. We are gradually becoming what I'd always invisioned the perfect relationship to be. Of course it isnt perfect, because nothing is (But damn she sure comes hella close sweatdrop heart ) Anyways, I just had to get that out, for if I didnt, I'd go all explodey. 3nodding If you read this today, and you know who you are, just know that I thank you for showing me something that I didnt think I'd ever be worthy of recieving. (And no Eb, I dont mean that!).... True love. heart
 Hey look its my kitty and is that? OMG, YES IT IS! ITS TALKING SOCK MAKING A CAMEO!
Crimzen Regret · Wed Oct 05, 2005 @ 07:37pm · 5 Comments |