hahaha, Thomas befuddled >.< |
Me: Go watch this video [link] Thomas: um...why are you sending me a kpop video? Me: BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME NOW GO WATCH IT D& Thomas: o.O hehehe...why yes, I do know some random kpop. Thank you, Pump ^_^ I sent him "Sa Rang Hae" >.< I just remembered 'cause I saw Jewelry and was like "haha, I forgot that I sent that to him." He thought it was overly cute xD Of course, finding a video with decent quality is nearly impossible -.-
bleepitybleepbleep. wtf Lakwete? It's a good thing I don't have to do super-well to keep an A. I'd be ********. She changed her test format AGAIN!! @_@ I have calculus that morning, so my brain's gonna be MUSH by the time I get to her @_@ Not to mention I still have to take chem today. Music was so easy, it worries me. I got up, ate breakfast, went to campus, took and exam, and came back before Cait even woke up -.- She's still sleeping -.- And she said she was gonna be studying calculus all day. PSSSH. She can only miss one question on her final to pass. Good luck with that. Standardized calculus finals are the university's way of forcing you to play Russian Roulette with only one missing bullet. They give you practice tests, but you're still screwed. Mine's not standardized, but it's still going to be pretty nasty.
3 down, 3 to go. 6 days left.
people on fb must hate me >.< I'm never paying attention when people start talking to me, so I don't answer for 20+ minutes sometimes &.& 10's pretty good for me, to start with. I have 6 things to check besides facebook. I open fb first, then do everything else. My school email requires a different browser -.- Gaia ALWAYS sidetracks me (like right now >.> wink Aquarium=<3
okay, SERIOUSLY, roommate needs to get up. I'm turning the overhead light on at 10 whether she's up or not. I HAVE to have light to study chem. Otherwise, I'll fall asleep. I had 4 alarms set up to make sure I woke up for music this morning. 6:20, 6:30, 7:00, and 7:15. I'm obsessive about it, but that's a good thing when you don't get enough sleep the night before -.- I listened to the Nutcracker 3 times. I fell asleep during it, but I kept waking up when it ended. I listened to the Phantom of the Opera once then kept repeating 2 songs, but I wasn't dozing at all. I tried another playlist, and that failed, so I just turned the music off and lay there. It magically worked at like 2:30 in the morning @_@ I went to bed at NINE!!! My internal clock is so off @_@
I'm avoiding chemistry by babbling. This is good -.- Oh, eff. I only have access to my scanner 'til Tuesday -.- I need to remember to pack up my PS2 at some point this weekend. I have to move my dresser/the TV thing to unplug it -.- And I have to do laundry. And pack to go home.
gah! Sorry about this morning. My internet died. It was deader than roadkill. I was pretty irritated. It didn't come back 'til during my chem final -.- I'm so glad that was the last time I have to have chemistry!! I think I did okay... idk, Mohan's silly XP
2 more finals on Monday, and then I'm done! I drive home on the 16th, I go to school the 17th-19th, and it's all good ^_^ 6 days!!
IPhoto is pretty awesome >w< I was playing with pictures earlier, and even though they're crappy, playing with them is fun. I kinda liked how one of them came out, but it wasn't a very good picture to start with -.- Blah. I'm not photogenic -.- Also, I'm trying to figure out why no one *coughmyparentscough* told me what my prom dress looked like on me -.- aka not so good. aka wtf was I thinking? Oh well. There won't be any more of this fancy dress stuff, and prolly not too many pictures of me at all, thank goodness. It's one thing I don't mind being left out of.
I'm gonna play with IPhoto a little more now :3
nepie · Wed Dec 10, 2008 @ 03:48pm · 0 Comments |