Hi, I'm realy bothered that I've never done anything for my dear Indy. So I thought that if I made a western avi with a gun, I'd be doing somthing for Indy. Dinky thank you for the moon, the reason I have it to go with this avi, is because the night I learned of my sweet Indy's death, I gazed up at the cold night sky, so harsh as if it itself was wheeping and there, was a red moon. As red as blood, the blood that poored out of Indy's neck... this is the avi I created in his name.

Total Value: 35,325 Gold, 7,500 Tickets
After Exclusions: 2,340 Gold, 7,500 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Vampire's Blood MoonBlack Spider ChokerJack's Bat ClipBlack Nosey Face TattooLabu NecklaceSilver RevolverBlue & Black Saloon Girl's DressKoNfUzEd MoNoChRoMe ToE SoXBounty Hunter's Cowboy HatMarch Birthstone CrownRaptor Fire HornsIf you want to know more about Indy just Pm me. kay kay?