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Diary of William Saint Claire
My my get away from reality. All of what you see, is what floats within this demented and odd lil head of mine. Please comment my journals when you read them. thanks.
Never Giving Up
I just wrote this off the top of my head, theres errors, but i dont care.

That painfull night, those lost tears,
the feeling of my heart crashing, cracking like glass,
the thought of hate, remorse, building within,
giving into the demons that hunt me,
letting go of all care for life,
setting free my own self well being,
that was the day, she broke my heart,

Weeks go by, and still this pain,
as the hatred fills me once again,
feeling this hurt within my chest,
my breathing becomes easier less and less,
a lay there, lifeless on the floor,
just because i didnt care anymore,

A burden on them all, they came and saw,
my cold shivering body lying once again on the floor,
yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs,
how worthless that i have truly become,
forced to take me to a hospital bed,
just because trouble would come if i were dead,

Laying there within a cold sweat,
clutching my chest, hoping for death,
feeling this pain deep inside,
i knew it was my time, my time to die,
i welcome its cold touch, in it i confide,

with nothing left, i let myself go,
not struggeling, not caring for the pain
as outside it begins to rain,
doctors arive, with paddles in hand,
and with a shock, i release deaths hand,

forced back to life, and back into strain,
my heart is now suffering with numbing pain,
sitting here, tring to breath, numbness in my bones,
my stupidity kept me in my own dark throan.

Tied down to this uncomfortable chair, with this demon of pain within the air,
i try not to hurt, i try not to bare,
i remember my once morbid uncarring past,
and now i finally have something at last,
a reason to care, a reason to live,

trying, hoping, praying to breath,
trying so hard to make the pain leave,
afraid now as i sit in this chair,
not able to move, with this pain within me,
hoping not to be stolen by deaths misery, wanting nothing more than to be free,

a mistake within my past of trying to die,
having something to lose, someone to hold my strained heart,
a fear washes over me, for i dont want to start,
within that same darkness i saw once before,
flying with deaths angels, into darkness i soar.

William Saint Claire
Community Member
William Saint Claire

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Crimzon Assassin
    Community Member

    Thu Jan 08, 2009 @ 02:07pm


    -gives u happy pill-

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