Sadly, the chapter opener for chapter 6 is not totally finished BUT I figured instead of delaying it, I'd post up the grand winners of my BOWBS XMas Art contest. biggrin
Each participant has they own flair and style! Please comment on their work and compliment them in their profiles if you have the time!
Thank you all for making it an amazing contest and drawing my beloved characters! It means so much to me! heart
Remember, it's for Xmas! =3
2nd Runner up

The moment my eyes gazed upon the lovely textures and patterns, soft cell shaded colors, the warm Xmas tone of loving couples... I knew this picture would be in the top 3. Yukidream made Alba's dream come true with a warm Christmas hug, nudging more the romantic air of the holidays rather then the bells and whistles of holiday bustle. This piece really reminds me of a warm fire where you can hide from the harsh cold. It's a really hard feeling to explain. The light warm gentile side of Xmas is shown here and I'd like to thank Yuki for bringing it to my characters!! heart
1st Runner up

TheDustKeeper was the VERY FIRST person to enter this contest and yet, it took a colossal amount of trying to de-thrown her as one of my top choices! Even if I crowned another winner, her entry of a very sexy, very spunky, Xmasy Bella still stands proudly among the beautiful art I have received in this coveted category! Pushing her style and having a nice depth and anatomy, the details in this picture are rather dazzling: stars twirl in a magic setting and the very subtle, but present, Christmas tree lay hidden on Bella's tablet as she (even during the holidays) doesn't rest and keeps on drawing! (okay, so maybe I'm thinking of myself right now. lol)
Amazing work! heart

If there was a way to jam all the criteria of all the categories into one single image, then Boussole's would be IT! Detailed, original, VERY Xmas oriented with the shopping, the lights, the light snow...everything! The mood of the whole piece SCREAMS Christmas! And if the layout wasn't enough, the fact that it's entirely pieced together with all kinds of media: pencils, markers, construction paper, prints, CG... pretty much all layers of media AND she also managed to include the ENTIRE B.O.W.B.S cast all spending the holidays together (I also want that giant teddy bear). This truly showed off originality, effort and skill!! Congratulations to our GRAND PRIZE WINNER!
2nd Runner up

With a beautiful traditional method to art Aeshin dazzled us with her imagination and creative use of materials. One of my personal favorites of this contest, her alternate methods of art earned her a place here in most creative! Very different from what others offered in both theme and fabrication. I always wanted to sail over a snowy winter wonderland on a feather! biggrin Thanks for making it happen with this beautiful piece! heart
1st Runner up

Silverfox showed us the true spirit of Chrismas... PRESENTS! xd With an awesome concept she showed me the kind of thing I wanted to see in this category! With a theme a bit different from the norm (and focusing on our adorable Bubbleh) I couldn't help but smile as chibi Bubbleh danced with joy around the present that Santa had brought her! The cute Christmas spirit really shows here and I think it's an awesome entry to an otherwise not so original "most original" category!

How can I not love this picture? The color and theme are bright and cheerful! It was a hard decision, but with all the small things going on in this picture it was enough to keep my eyes and head entertained for more then a few seconds. What caught me here was the fact that there was a bit of a story... Alba's hiding behind a tree, waiting for Bella to open up (what I assumed to be) her gift from Alba. What's inside? Will it help him win her heart? Also, I loved our adorable Bubbleh as she bounced of joy at receiving paints for Xmas! A perfect gift for our colorist! I also very much liked the energy of that piece. It's very colorful and I liked that she kept the personalities very faithful to the characters! To an author/artist, staying faithful to the characters, will win me over every time!! heart The contest was for BOWBS Holiday cheer and I think she totally achieved that!
Congratulations to the winners!!! heart
2nd Runner up

There is some obvious work at hand here! Colorful, lively and that background must have taken FOREVER! O_o The only reason that I haven't placed this higher is because this drawing doubles as a picture of her avatar and an image of Bella. It's a bit obvious that it was not exclusively made for this contest (seeing as you told me yourself it was for both) and Bella's eyes are gray. I still recognize your effort! Good job in in your image!
1st Runner up

The story of this of this picture starts off on a snow day for Penguins! xd She tried really hard (for hours apparently. lol) reproduce my characters Bella and Alba and (since I know from experience) the mischievous mistletoe from the Xmas specials. Maybe she tried to make the possible conclusion to my Xmas special if Alba was brave enough! =3 She used a grid system (wow - I can't even use those... I fail massively at them) to re-draw Bella and Alba! The effort shows sweety! Congratulations!

No I KNOW there's effort in this picture! lol. Demnor has drawn 2 BOWBS pictures after finding out it had to be Xmas themed. lol The fun expressions, the attention to the characters personalities and the warm Christmas spirit really shows in this picture. Honestly Demnor, if you would have entered the other picture, I'm not sure it would have won. lol It was maybe a bit "better made" but this affection between all my BOWBS boys melts my heart!
Congratulations to the winners! heart