this contains thoughts of my day,my day,poems songs and whatever I feel like putting on here.
GUESS WHAT??this is the 45th JOURNAL POST!!!And many things have changed in these 45 im not board im just more creative then the rest of you mother ******** im having fun minus the ******** spell checker behind me nagging.(for those who are curious,im at my twin sissys house for the umteenth time(f-ing grammar nazi(who just freaked out when i spelled grammar corectlly(WHO IS STILL TRYING TO ******** CORRECT ME(god if i commit a murder please forgive me)))))damnthe ******** world!!!(i like the word ******** alot today)i am having fun.i am going to post a list on here,all the resons i want to cry and are going to go even more insane than i already am, !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! 1)MY OWN DAMN THOUGHTS 2)i miss many people 3)my family 4)im not good enough 5)the fact i will ALWAYS be average 6)no one will understand 7)no matter what i do i CANT change the world coolim in denial 9)im loosing most of my friends when i go to high school 10)just my ******** unlucky life !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! like that matters to anyone.I just feel bad for my best friend who only just seen a quarter of how insane I am.well,"life sucks,and then you die."