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Diary of William Saint Claire
My my get away from reality. All of what you see, is what floats within this demented and odd lil head of mine. Please comment my journals when you read them. thanks.
Dream Angels Never Intend to End
A story I must tell, of the maiden fair,
A story of truth, in which I feel inclined to bare,
This woman, this lady, this beauty I must,
Shout to the world, and so you in me must trust,

I know an angel, her heart so true,
As I stare into her eyes, her soul comes into view,
This goddess of bliss, I see before my eyes,
Most certainly had to have come from the skies,

She’s like a dream within reality, like nothing ever I’ve ever seen,
Those brilliant smiling eyes, with that warm inviting gleam,
She warms my heart with that smile so sweet,
If only, if only, our hands could meet,

This woman, I tell you, she fell from the sky,
Cast down by gods, like a single rain drop in my eye,
She warms my soul, like a calming rain,
And slowly, softly, she takes away this lingering pain,

This beauty who’s heart is so true,
Cast me out of my souls dark hue,
She lifts me away, from everything,
Her voice like a melody, only angels could sing,

Yes I tell you this story, of this maiden today,
To spread the word, of where my heart lay,
Her heart, her soul, her mind, is of a brilliant dream,
And forever will I tell this story; forever will I let my love stream

William Saint Claire
Community Member
William Saint Claire

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Thu Jun 11, 2009 @ 08:08am

    Who is that girl actually that you often write in your poems as your saviour? need to answer that...I'm just wondering.

    User Comments: [2]