Hey everyone. I have been asked about Zac and if he had a gaia. He has a gaia called thezacefron but on his real stars he has the mean girl omgAshleyomg who is really mean and horrible and nasty and is NOT me! omgAshleyomg tricked Zac into thinking she was real and then omgAshleyomg wrote horrible things. But Zac didn't change his about me in the real stars section because he didn't see it. He doesn't really like gaia. I tried to convince him to come back on gaia. He tried logging in and his password didn't work. So he quit. I'm still trying to make him make a new gaia and come back to gaia. Maybe some day he will. -Ash
xoShmAshleyxo · Wed Feb 18, 2009 @ 05:41pm · 2 Comments |