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I'm beginning to understand life less and less everyday. When I was young, I use to believe that I had actually had the world all figured out, but now, as I grow, I know that having the world all figured out is virtually impossible because I now r
New and Dear Sister....
You are my sister one that I can not replace nor you replace meWe are together forever can't you see
No matter how much we fight and bickerIn a way it makes our love so much thicker
Never would I take back all these yearsWe've shared laughs, love and even tears
Our lives have been filled with so much joy and loveWe have only one man to thank for that and He is from up above
I have been there through the years to watch you growI will always be the little sister looking up to you from below
We have shared so many things together: dances, proms, vacations, And 20 years of life together
We have been through ups, downs, tragedies, And all kinds of dark and sunny weather
It's almost like we are not two different people but oneThe years we've spent together and continue to spend together
Make life more funNo matter what happens in the future I know I can make it through it because I have you
You are my sister and we share a special bond together know that forever and always I will love you baby rain.

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I adopted a chibi!
Name: LiL L.
Age:3 1/4
Likes:Strawberry Tarts & Whip cream, Ice Cream, Boats, etc.
Dislikes: Blood, Sloppiness, Tickling, etc.
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