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New Story Preview
My newest story I'm working on is called .Hack//Recovery. Yes it is based off of .Hack// but this is a very different spin. As most of you may not know... I am a pervert -_-" a very hard confession indeed. But have no worry, I only use my abilities in stories and flirting.

This new story I have, it's barley finished, and it actually started off as an RP with one of my bestest friends. But since he hasn't been on in a while, I took the liberty of finishing it off and posting it as a story for my journal.

It's about three friends-- Akino, a fox-like character in The World; Serenity, a Twin Blade; and Sasha, a Heavy Blade-- who are Junior cheerleaders for their high school. One night after playing The World on their computers, they meet the sole player who has been giving them problems in the game-- Jakuto, username GraveRaven, a Wave Master. Upon finding him in their own town, they ask to join him in a venture to return a suspicious item found in a dungeon.

Also in the story there are very graphic descriptions, so anyone who has a problem with sexual content please do not read the story... And please keep in mind that it is JUST A STORY! So I'll warn you once more: IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SEXUAL CONTENT OR REFERENCE, PLEASE DO NOT READ THE STORY!!!

In addition to the story I have tektek'ed the main characters of this story. Below are what the teens look like in reality and in the game:
User Image
User ImageUser ImageAkino
User ImageUser ImageSerenity
User ImageUser ImageSasha
User ImageUser ImageJakuto

Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the entry ^_^

P.S. Referring to Katana-crazy's comment, yes I know the avi's are crap, but I the RP was really late at night and I was throwing stuff together and never really had the care to change them. Also, this version of The World is purely Fan made, I haven't really played .Hack in about 2-4 years myself so yes my research is rusty, and my RP partner tried to work around it... anyways... I KNOW THE PREVIEW IS CRAP User Image

--Next story post: .Hack//Recovery

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 11:02pm

lol, there's no fox avi's in the world. the closest to what you're saying was ouka and she was a wolf. so the question is are you going by the original game or the remake.

if the original there are only like 7 classes to choose from, the most likely for you would be fighter, like ouka was

if r2, then the classes changed a lot but your avi can actually look like a fox w/o having to quest for items.

you need more research. your avi looks like a twinblade, crap with those weapons she technically is a twinblade!

Community Member

Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 11:53pm

i wasn't hating on the avis. i was just saying that your class for the main girl is off is all

User Comments: [2]