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View User's Journal


Jakuto had lead Serenity to his house and lead her inside. He led her to the living room where his computer was. It was already on and running. He started to the game called 'the world’. He was rummaging through some books and papers to find something.
As Jakuto was setting up, Serenity looked around the room. She didn't feel too comfortable being there alone, but she was the only one who was available to come to meet him. Akino had a piano lesson to attend and Sasha was stuck babysitting her cousins. She just hoped they would come along in the next couple of hours.
She checked the time on her cell phone and figured Akino would be finished in the next half hour. She left her a text message on where she was and left it at that.
Once he was signed in and all, he signed in on his character, GraveRaven. He found the piece of paper he was looking for. He went to the teleportation gat and entered the fallowing words ' forbidden gods triumphant.' Once he was in, he was at the gate point where the area looked like a huge church.
Serenity looked over his shoulder at the screen. Luckily she had her headset and her laptop in her backpack she had brought along. She took it out and settled herself on the floor. She logged in and followed him to the area.
Once Serenity was on with her character, Raven started to move towards the door. The doors had plenty of symbols on it. While Jakuto was looking at it, he scurried through some books to look up at the meaning of the symbols.
Serenity realized that her character still had the necklace in her inventory. She took it out and looked at it for a moment. She realized that on of the markings on the doors matched the amulet hanging from the chain.
"I see... this pretty much is the place..." he said to her. He closed the book after taking notes of the symbols and all. He looked towards the door and saw a small engrave. He traced his finger on it before it sent out a small shock to his character." So the key fits here...."
"Hm...?" Serenity went to his side. "Key? You mean this thing is a key...?" She held it up, examining the shape and size.
" would best if we head back to town for now. I'll try to decipher the meaning first to make sure what will be expecting once we do." He walked away from the door and headed back to the gate." We need to make sure that we are ready to face whatever is behind those doors...."
As they gated out of the area, Serenity's cell phone rang. She took off her head set and checked the number and quickly answered it. "Hai... yeah, just turn that corner and you'll be like a block from here... okay... see you in a few Aki. Bye." She closed her phone and looked over at Jakuto. "Akino's on her way." She resettled her headset and looked around the town for a moment.
Jakuto sighed a bit for a moment before he took off his head set. He went up to her and stood in front of her for a moment. "Well now, looks like we are getting somewhere." he said to her.
Serenity looked a bit confused. She heard his voice, but... it seemed closer now. She took off her headset to see him standing in front of her. She started to get nervous. She swallowed a lump in her throat and inched backward a bit.
He closed his eyes a bit." just so you know, I'm only helping you guys just this once. After we are finished, I don't want you girls to bother me again." He headed to the fridge and brought a few cans of sodas. He handed her one of them before he sat back down on his chair and looking through the books for the symbols.
Serenity took the can of soda and looked at it for a while. She debated on whether or not to drink it; she didn't want to break her diet without Sasha's knowledge again. Instead she just sat it on a coaster and secured her headset, slowly. "Alright... but I can't guarantee that Sasha won't ask again..."
He looked up at her from his book. "I only think you and Akino are alright. But I don't want to do anything from that push over Sasha girl." he said to her straight forwardly. He continued to do his research.
"It's really not her fault she's that way..." Serenity started to defend her friend. "She lost her parents in a fire when she was five... She was an only child so she had to go live with her aunt and uncle. I guess she's still getting over it..." The door bell rang and Serenity jumped a bit. "That must be Akino." She said.
Jakuto didn't say anything after what Serenity said. He just got up from the chair he was sitting at and answered the door to see Akino standing there before letting her in.
Akino just smiled and walked in. "Serenity is here right?" She asked. Serenity called to her from the front room. She walked in and set up her own station across from her. "So... what did you guys find out so far?"
Jaktuo looked up at Akino as he watched her setting up her laptop and all. He gave out a small sigh. Now it was getting crowded inside his small apartment." I and Serenity went to the area words. What seemed to be a church, looked like the entrance to something more. There was a hole at the door as if to insert a key..." he said to Akino.
"Oh yeah?" She looked over at him. "It was the necklace then right, the key to the door?" Serenity nodded. "Well that's what we think at least… unless Jakuto is surer than I am." Akino thought for a moment, "So... you guys didn't check if it worked yet?" Serenity shook her head faintly and took off her headset.
"It would be too risky if we did with just the two of us. We don't know what is behind those doors. Besides, it seems like the door held some sort of description." he said to them as he continued to decipher the codes.
Akino thought a bit. "Well... we could put it off for another day... after all... if there is something dangerous behind that door; we'll need to get a few levels higher than we are now... Just in case." serenity nodded.
"It will take me a bit of time for me to finish this and have to make sure that I read it right anyways. I told to your friend that I'll only help you guys once. After this, you’re on your own. If you need my help again, then I'll need to be compensated." He said to Akino.
"Sasha's no promise..." Akino said. Serenity nodded and said, "I coved that one already..." Akino shrugged.
He closed the book down and put it on his desk." Fine..." Jaktuo gave out a small sigh before he got up and went behind Akino. "How about we make a deal...Once this is over, you have a choice. Leave me alone. I'll even simply block Sasha... but if things persist...Then you two girls...Will have to do something for me to have my help." He grins slightly.
"Wait," Akino said. "So you won't even be in our party anymore?" She pouted a bit. "That sucks..."
He lifted up Akino's face towards him, almost close enough to kiss her. “Listen, I tend to work alone. If you want my help or anything, you'll have to compensate for the time I spend with you."
Akino began to get a bit nervous, as did Serenity. But she couldn't move. She stared up at Jakuto and nodded a bit before trying to move again.
"Well then, if you understand, I'll leave it at that." he smiled weakly at her before he sat himself down on the chair thinking a bit. He was looking at them. In a way, he wouldn't mind helping them a bit longer. But seeing that their just this close to him, he wanted to do something more
Some times had passed; Jakuto gave them some areas for them to have a decent leveling before the time comes. It was starting to get late. Before they leave, Jaktuo asked for Akino if she could stay a bit longer to talk to her.
"Hm... sure, I can stay a bit longer." She waved to serenity as she walked home by herself. She set her bag back on the floor and sat on the couch. "What is it?" Though she had gotten a bit more comfortable around him she was still a bit nervous to be there with him alone.
"Tell me Akino... do you enjoy my company on your team so much?" he asked her before he shut off his computer.
"Well..." she started, "It would have been nice to have a guy on the team." She thought for a second and continued, "Sasha really isn't the best leader in everything... Cheerleading is alright for her to be the captain, but when it comes to the game... she doesn't make choices like I had hoped at first."
"I see..." he looked at her for a moment before he got up from his chair and headed towards her." then... maybe we can arrange a little something if you would like"
She moved around a bit. "Like what...?" She watched as he approached her. With her hands in her pockets she gripped her cell phone, just in case she would have to use her emergency speed dialer.
He put a hand against her cheek a bit as the other hand went to her waist and held her hand that was holding her cell phone. "I'll keep you company... if you keep company to me." He said to her before he stole a kiss from her lips before he let her go for her to leave.
Akino went wide eyed as he kissed her. She didn't move for a second after he released her. She sat on the couch a bit hesitant before she stammered to get her bag and headed for the door. "I-I'll uhm... see you... uhm tomorrow… okay?" She hurried and got to the sidewalk before she figured he could tell that she was blushing.

Jakuto was barely online the game the next day since he was still figuring things out from the symbols. It was so strange to him though it made sense.
Akino and Serenity were on their way to Jakuto's apartment after cheerleading practice. They had neglected to tell Sasha for their own reasons. "I can't stay long," serenity told Akino on the way to his house. "My older brother's coming home for the weekend and my mom says I have to be there for it." Akino nodded. "That's okay. I guess I'll help Jakuto with it the best I can after you leave then."
They reached the door and Serenity rang the doorbell.
Jakuto was in the middle of making dinner when he heard the door bell rang. He went to answer the door to see Serenity and Akino. " guys came back so soon." he raised an eye brow to them before he let them in. he went back to the kitchen to finish his cooking.
"Well..." Akino said, "we figured we'd come and see how it's going with you're research." She sniffed the air. "What is that?" Serenity came around the corner of the kitchen. "Smells kind of... good actually..."
Jakuto turned the stove off as he was finished boiling the pasta." It's my special home made pasta sauce. I'm nearly finished with the translation. I could understand a part of it. It says something about making a choice whether to fight or not. I've heard something familiar about it before but I can't put my finger on it yet..." he said to them.
Akino went to the front room where Jakuto had his books scattered across the table and floor. She looked at the books with the open pages and read them a bit. There were scriptures and even history on most of the markings that were on the pages. She found the symbol that most resembled the one on the necklace. She read through it a bit.
Serenity was in the kitchen still, seeing how Jakuto made his pasta sauce. "I didn't know you could cook..." she sad almost teasingly, "Is it alright if I try your pasta?"
He looked at Serenity with a raised brow. "Pasta means nothing without the sauce. If your hungry, I can give you a bowl or would you like to just taste the sauce?" he asked her.
"Just the sauce, I have to see if you really know how to make it." Serenity being half Italian knew how much the sauce meant compared to the pasta. The best she had tasted so far was made by her great grand mother. In fact, her pasta sauce was given an award and is still the leading amateur recipe in Italy for at least 70 years running.
Jakuto just shrugged. He took the lid off and Serenity could see a lot of meat balls in it, the size of a ping pong. He took a spoon then handed it to her." I shall warn you, it's been a while on the stove so the taste should about average spicy. It's been cooked for too long then it would got spoiled a bit and been too spicy." he said to her with a small smile.
"Don't worry about it. I think I can handle it." She took the spoon and tasted the sauce. She took no time to think before saying, "Wow… this is really good. No too spicy… not too bland... it's... good." She nodded in approval to his recipe.
"Thank you. My recipe was modified from my grand mother's" he said before he pulled out a bowl and filled it with pasta and then the sauce on top of it." Would you like a bowl?" he asked Serenity before he looked over at the desk that Akino was sitting at." What about you?" he asked her.
Both girls accepted his offer. Akino continued to read through the descriptions in the book. Serenity came into the room and sat next to Akino and looked over her shoulder at the book. "So... this thing really is an ancient relic..."
He made a total of 3 bowls of pasta and put them all on the table. Akino and serenity ate their pasta and studied a bit more of the book. After a while an alarm from serenity's phone went off. She reached into her pocket and turned it off. "Okay... I gotta go." Akino hugged her friend goodbye and went back to the book. "I'll call you after I get home," Akino called before she left the door.
Jakuto grabbed the empty bowls and went to the kitchen to wash them." shouldn't you be going as well?" He said to Akino. He was at the sink cleaning the dishes.
"Nah... My curfew's not till ten..." She still was looking through the book as she explained. "Besides, I thought I'll learn a bit of this myself while I'm here." she flipped through the pages a bit more before she came to another symbol that looked similar to the one before, though there were some distinct differences.
"You know, it's not nice to look through other peoples things without permission..." He said to her as he went behind the chair that she was sitting.
She jumped a bit. "Oh… I'm sorry," She said laughing a bit. "I was just reading it a little... I guess I got into it more than I intended." She set the book back on the table.
He turned her around in the chair then lifted up her chin to face him." Tell me, why are you so much into my history books?" he asked her. His eyes were fixed on her.
Akino managed to smile. "Well... ever since I was a kid I've loved the ancient world. Artifacts and relics have fascinated me since my father came form one of his expeditions to Egypt. He brought me back a jade scarab pendent. Even though it wasn't the real thing, it was pretty cool."
Jakuto couldn't help but slightly laughs." I see. We nearly have the same amount of interests in certain things. That's nice to hear." He said before he smiled and stole a kiss from her lips.
Akino began to blush again as he kissed her for the second time. When he released the kiss she turned away and hid her face a bit. "H-hey.... I didn't... say you c-could kiss me..." She said. Though behind her hand, she was smiling a bit.
Jakuto leaned closer to her ear. "Though, you didn't stop me either," He said before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders gently and hugs her." You’re just too darn cute."
Akino smiled even more, though her face got redder in response to his hug. "Th-thank you..." Akino said.
"Are you still thinking about my offer from yesterday?" He silently whispered into her ear. Though now his hands gently caressed her body slowly.
"Well... you see... I uhm..." Akino could barley speak now; she was thinking about it now that he had mentioned it. She felt his hands move slowly down her back.
Jakuto slipped his hands down from her back before he wrapped his arms around her waist underneath her arms. He ended up by gently groping her breasts as he whispered against her ear.' You still have one more chance."
Akino ended up leaning against him, making both of them plop to the floor with her on top of him. She looked at him nervously, watching as he smiled up at her.
He turned them over so that he would end up on top of her. He kissed her passionately again as his hands caressed her body slowly until he ended up caressing her breasts through her clothes." Still no answer?"
Before she could notice, Akino was kissing him back, holding onto his arms. When he asked her for an answer again, she managed to say, "Uh... what kind of... compensation..." Though she already knew the answer, she tried to stall the moment.
He smiled at her for a moment. He moved his hand from her breast down to her skirt and groped her gently through her underwear." The compensation... of having a girl with me..." He said before he kissed her again
Akino whimpered a bit through the kiss as he groped her. Her thoughts were too scrambled to answer him properly. She felt her lower belly getting a bit warm. The strange feelings made her moan slightly.
Jakuto smiled as he heard her moaned through the kiss. He lowered down from her body for a moment before he flipped her over onto her stomach. After she was, he lowered down her underwear a bit and kissed her but slightly before his tongue brushed against her vaginal lips.
"AH! No..." She said nervously. "Uh--n-n-not there... ahh..." She closed her eyes and clenched her fists a bit. She was even more nervous than before, but for some reason, she didn't really want him to stop. Her body was sending her mixed signals and it was beginning to drive her crazy.
He smiled even though she couldn't see him. His tongue continued to brush against her vaginal lips before he teased her slowly as he rubs her c**t a bit. He slid a finger into her slowly as he tried to reach her sweet spot a bit.
Akino felt him slide his finger inside her and she held in her cries making her whimper. She closed her eyes and tensed a bit. "Ahh... w-what are... you doing... to me--" As he reached her spot she couldn't help but moan louder.
"I'm doing just what it looks like." he said to her with a smile before he pulled his finger out from her and licks it in front of her teasingly." You seem to be enjoying it," he said to her with a smile.
Akino gaped at him as she saw him lick his finer. "AH… that's... that's not true... I-- it's just... you..." she could barley get out what she was trying to say. Or she didn't know what to say rather. He was making her thoughts get jumbled up.
He grins a bit before he started get up and helped her up for a moment. He kissed her along the way he guided her into his bedroom.
Akino followed him the best she could as he kissed her.
He gently pushed her onto the bed on her stomach though she was just leaning over it. He leans on her back as he gently grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head slightly. "Akino... I'm going to make some fun with you." he whispered against her ear as his hand started to undo his pants a bit.
Akino was a bit surprised when she heard him. She was still a bit nervous, but the warmth in her lower belly wouldn't subside.
Jakuto pulled out his harden member from his pants before he lifted up Akino's skirt a bit. He guides himself slowly into her until he was fully inside of her. Once he was fully inside, he started to buck to grind himself inside her a bit.
Akino screamed as he entered her. She gripped the sheets on the bed and cringed a bit. "I--it hurts...Jakuto... it really hurts… please… stop…"
"Don't worry Akino. It will all pass soon and you'll feel better." he said as he whispered into her ear. He was pinning her hands above her head as he started to thrusts himself into her, he could feel how tight she was as he penetrated her hard and deep.
Akino muffled her cries by putting her face to the bed. After a while it did start to feel better, as Jakuto had said. Soon enough she felt her back start to arch against his chest and she put her head up a bit, letting moans escape her.
When she arched her back against his chest, he let go of her wrists and slide his hands inside her shirt and bra, caressing her breasts as he continued to penetrated her, ravaging her vaginal lips wildly as he kissed and bites her neck a bit with each thrusts." you feel so good Akino." he whispered against her ear.
Akino couldn't speak through the thrusts. It was all she could do; she gripped the sheets even harder and nearly pulled them from the bed as she neared her peak.
Jaktuo's hands went to her waist, pulling her towards him with each thrust as he entered her. He stopped deep inside of her for a moment before he moaned. He released his orgasm deep inside her womb as he filled her up quickly with his seeds.
As Jakuto stopped himself Akino let out a loud moan and released her own orgasm.
Jakuto kissed Akino passionately for a moment, thrusting slowly and bucking inside of her, making their juices mix together as he panted slightly against her lips. "Mmm...that was… interesting." he said to her
Akino took deep breaths trying to recover. She laid her head on the bed and released the sheets from her hands. "What... was... interesting...?" She said between breaths.
He smiled a bit before he pushed himself into her deeper, she could feel his seeds being pushed inside her as he moved them slowly onto the bed." You you you react..." he said to her before he pulled her onto his lip and hugged her tightly.
Akino was still trying to catch her breath as she hugged him back.
He kissed her passionately for a moment as he put his hands on her waist, moving her on top of him slightly so she could feel his member inside of her after their orgasm, almost making her leak their juices on themselves.
Akino gasped as she felt him still moving inside of her. She could feel the fluids leaking from her insides. "I've... never felt... anything like this before...." she paused a moment and nuzzled his neck, "It feels... so good." She began to grind against him as she sat there in his lap.
Jakuto held her tightly against him as she moved on top of him, slightly moaning as he kissed her. "Mmm...too bad you can't stay... Don't you have to get going home soon?"
She opened her eyes slowly. "Hm...?" She checked the clock on the nightstand. She had fifteen minutes to get home. She turned away from the clock resting herself in the nook of Jakuto's neck. "Yeah..." They sat in silence for a moment. "Can I come over again tomorrow?"
Jakuto caressed her neck before he kissed her." Sure... but how about one day you ask your parents permission for staying a night at your friend?" He mentioned to her before he kissed her again before he let her prepared to leave. "Don't forget to wear your underwear." he teased her.
She got a bit embarrassed when he had mentioned her unmentionables. She remembered her panties were still on the floor in the front room. She could barely walk when she touched down on the ground. She leaned against the bed before she tried moving again. Finally she had made it to the front room and she retrieved her underwear and said she would email Jakuto when she had permission to stay over.
Jakuto nodded and see her out the door. After that, he finished up the rest of the deciphering of the symbols that night. He went to bed afterwards until the next day.
The next day, Akino had asked her mother to stay over at Serenity's house. Her mother agreed and told her to keep her cell phone on at night incase she had to call her. It was a good thing Akino's mother trusted her enough that she wouldn't have to check in with Serenity's parents, or she would be in a load of trouble when she came home the day after.
She got a bag with nightclothes and a sleeping bag and everything else she needed to make it look like a sleepover.
Jakuto was finishing up the rest before he heard the door bell. When he answered it, Serenity was there first. They had been talking a bit about the description of the necklace/ambulate and all.
"So..." Serenity started. "I was thinking about finally checking out what was up with that door. I've brought my character up at least ten levels now..." Though she had said something about the game, she didn't have her backpack with her.
"We'll have to set up a date and time so that we should get on and investigate it. Akino should be coming soon and we can talk about it with her." he said to Serenity
"Alright," She thought for a moment. "Hey... I left Akino here with you last night. When I called her she was too tired to even talk to me. What happened, huh?"
Jakuto slightly laughs as he was drinking some coffee." well you see, it was late and she said that had to be home at 10. After we talked a bit longer, I'm guessing she made a mad run back to her home." he said as he shrugged.
Serenity looked at him questionably. But then she straightened her face. "Alright..." She stood and walked up to him. She was quite a ways shorter than he was. She only came up to his shoulders. Looking up at him Serenity smiled. "It's okay... Jakuto... you can tell me."
Jakuto grinned a bit before he lightly tapped her nose." You'll have to ask Akino herself. I'm not one who tells tales..." He said before he sat himself down on his chair. He was looking at the time. He doesn't remember what time Akino was coming.
Serenity pouted. "Aww... come on." She stepped back wards with her hands behind her back. "You're no fun..." She said teasingly. "Besides... Akino said you were really nice to her last night."
"Maybe I was." he said to her He kept drinking his coffee until he finished it. Serenity spun around a bit, making her skirt come up. "Well... like I was saying, I can keep a secret…" She stopped spinning and faced him. "Why won't you tell me?" She raised a brow. "Hm? Or is it that you like her more?"
He raised a brow as he looked up at her." Hmmm? I'm telling you this because it's rather a personal reason. Like I said, if you want know, ask her yourself. She'll be here any minute now."
Serenity smirked. "You wanna know what I think you did?" She took the coffee mug from him and set it on the table. "I think... you showed her something... and it made her not want to talk to anyone else for the night because you tired her out." She grabbed his hands and pulled him down to her level. "But... I've liked you this whole time... why would you give it to her before me, huh?"
Jakuto was blinking a bit before he slightly laughed as he pulled his hand away. "Hmm... maybe you didn't ask....if you think that, then perhaps you should have stayed over last night," he said to her with a small grin before he heard the knocking at the door. He went over to answer it and saw it was Akino.
Akino smiled and walked in with her bag slung over her shoulder. "I had to make it look like it was a sleep over, sorry for all the stuff." She laughed nervously. Serenity came around the corner with her arms crossed. There seemed to be a little tension between the two friends at that point.
"Don't worry about it Akino." he said before he took her bags and put it next to the couch.
"Oh... Serenity, I didn't know you'd be here..." Akino said. Serenity just huffed and walked back into the front room. "Hey... what's wrong?" Akino followed her.
"Nothing's wrong," Serenity said. She put on a smile and playfully pushed her to the couch and began to grope her breasts. "I'm just wondering if you're okay from last night."
Akino's face immediately got red as she was groped. "AH! Serenity, stop it!" Serenity climbed on top of her as Akino lay on the couch. "So does that mean you're okay?" serenity asked. Akino began to thrash a bit. "Yes! I'm fine, now please stop it!" At her pleas Serenity laughed. She moved one of her and a bit lower and rubbed her through her panties a bit.
Jakuto slightly laughs as he watched them." My, my. Serenity, are you that jealous of Akino?" he teased her a bit before he went behind her and groped her breasts." You and Akino are pretty much close the same."
Serenity gasped as she felt Jakuto grope her as well. "I--I'm not--" Akino looked up at Serenity a bit confused. "You're jealous of me, Serenity?" This made Akino smile a bit. "That's funny... because I've always been a bit envious of you." Akino proceeded to rub Serenity underneath her skirt a bit. "Wow... you're wet already Serenity." She moved her hand inside her panties a bit, making her moan.
"Well then Akino, shall we give Serenity a small taste of fun we had last night?" He said to her as he continued to caress Serenity's breasts harder as Akino fingered her.
Akino smiled and looked up at Serenity. "Do you want to have fun with us Serenity?" She asked. Without waiting for an answer, she lifted her head just enough to kiss her. As she played with Serenity she could feel her moans coming through the kiss. Akino let up for a minute to ask Jakuto, "Should we take her to the bedroom and get her a bit more comfortable now?"
He slightly laughed for a moment. "Hmm... sure." he said to her with a smile, though he was already working on Serenity's shirt to take it off along with her bra before he grabbed her hand, tugging her off of Akino and pulled her into the bedroom.
Akino quickly got up and followed them to the room closing the door behind them. Serenity was still breathing a bit deeply as Jakuto groped her breasts. "Don't worry, Senny..." Akino said as she came over to kiss her again. "It's okay... all you have to do is trust us." Akino kissed Serenity and began to undo her skirt, pulling it off along with her panties.
Jakuto smiled as he watched Akino took off Serenity's skirt and underwear before he pulled off his own pants and underwear as well. He kissed Akino for a moment." Well then, it's time I break her in don't you think?" He smiled to Akino before he pushed Serenity onto the bed and spread her legs open so he could brush his member against her vaginal lips to get hard.
Akino nodded. As Jakuto threw Serenity on the bed, she took off her own clothes and lay next to her. Serenity was moaning as Jakuto rubbed himself against her. "Ahh... Why… are you doing this?" Serenity asked. Akino could only smile at her.
She replied, "Because you wanted to see what happened last night, right? We're going to show you."
"More like making you feel it." Jakuto said with a smile. When he was fully hardened, he guided himself into Serenity, thrusting himself into her deep and hard inside her wet c**t. Once he was fully inside of her, he didn't give time to Serenity to get used to his size and was thrusting himself roughly into her.
Serenity screamed out as Jakuto went inside her. "AH! Stop! It really hurts!" She grabbed the sheets and turned her head to the sides frantically. But her face was caught by Akino. "Don't worry Senny... it won't hurt for much longer. Just relax..." She pulled her into a kiss but serenity couldn't help but moan as Jakuto continued to thrust into her.
Jakuto continued to thrusts himself into Serenity, violating her v****a as she started to bleed a bit. He reached for Akino and pulled her on top of Serenity to help keep her still as he penetrated hard and deep inside. He wrapped his arms around Akino and caressed her breasts in front of Serenity's face.
Akino moaned as she was being groped by Jakuto. She could see serenity underneath her. Serenity went wide eyed as she saw Akino.
Jakuto thrusts into serenity harder and deeper, he started to moan as he was starting to reach his orgasm. “Mmm.... Serenity is nearly about to feel when someone fills her up." He said before he kissed Akino passionately.
Serenity started to grip the sheets tighter as she felt her lower half getting warmer and warmer. She moaned as she arched her back a bit.
Akino continued to kiss Jakuto as he thrust into Serenity.
Jakuto stopped deep inside of Serenity, filling her c**t with his c** as he put his hands on her waist, holding her tightly against him as he filled her up quickly. He moans through the kiss with Akino as he waited for his orgasm to be finished inside her.
Serenity let out a loud moan as she was filled with Jakuto's warm c**. Without realizing it she had c** as well. She let herself back down on the bed, catching her breath.
Jakuto was panting hard against Akino's neck before he pulled himself out from her after he finished cuming inside of her. He sat himself down on the bed for a moment as he watched them.
Akino and Serenity both fell tot he bed, catching their breath. Akino still lay on top of Serenity for a second before she rolled over next to her. Surprisingly, Serenity turned to her and hugged up against her, smiling. Akino couldn't help but turn her way and rub her arm as she smiled at her as well.
Jakuto smiled as he watched them. He looked at the clock that was on the night stand next to his bed. "Err... Serenity, what time did you have to return home? It's already 9 o’clock.”
Serenity laughed a bit. "Actually... I told my mother I was staying at my grandparent's house... And since tonight is Bingo at the church my mother will think my grandmother took me with her. And what makes it even better is that my grand mother has allayers so she won't remember if I was there or not." She felt a bit bad taking advantage of her family like that and her smile faded some. "Either way, I can stay," she continued.
"Seems we have ourselves a little party tonight," Jakuto said as he slightly laughs, “Though I don't think this bed would be able to hold up to three people." He said in thought," Oh well, guess I'll have to sleep on the couch tonight."
Akino sat up on her elbow to look at him. "Actually... I brought a sleeping bag, and we could lay the blankets down in the living room..."
"That way we can all sleep together." Serenity's smile returned. They looked to Jakuto for approval. It was his apartment after all.
Jakuto pondered for a moment as he looked at them." Sure, sounds great, but I will have to move some things out of the way to make some room," he said to them with a smile.
The girls squealed in excitement. It seemed that Serenity had gotten over her jealousy. She helped Akino on to her feet but just ended up nearly falling over herself. The girls laughed for a bit and stole the sheet form the bed and wrapped themselves up as they made their way to the front room.
Before they went to the living room, Jakuto grabbed then and kissed them on their cheeks. "Now, now, you two don't need to rush," he whispered to them." We have all night." he said before he put on a pair of pants and headed towards the living room to make some space.
Akino and Serenity giggled as they rummaged through Akino's bag. Serenity had noticed that she didn't pack any panties with her. "Akino... what were you going to do for under wear?" She asked. Akino blushed nervously. "Well I figured I wouldn't need them so... I didn't pack any." She rubbed the back of her head a bit. Serenity giggled a bit and found a t-shirt for her to wear for the time being.
She slipped it over her head and took a pair of Akino's shorts as well. Akino just slipped on her larger t-shirt that barely left anything to the imagination. Serenity teased her again by grabbing her a** through the bottom of the shirt. The two were indeed still feeling playful.
He smiled a bit as he put down Akino's sleeping bag down after he made the space. Jakuto went behind them and snapped the pair of shorts on Serenity's waist teasingly." You sure you want to keep those on?
Serenity let out a meep and turned around. "I only put them on so I could stand up form under that cover." She smiled. She was still holding onto Akino from behind groping her breasts. She turned back to Akino and slipped a hand under her shirt and rubbed her thigh a bit. Akino squirmed ever which way as Serenity touched her, making her shirt come up every time she moved.
Jakuto smiled as he watched them. He spread out the blanket a bit before he took off his pants and slipped himself underneath the blanket and onto the sleeping bag before he motioned them to come underneath with him. "Now, now, Serenity. If you keep working Akino like that, I'll have to finish her off for you." he teased her.
Serenity held Akino closer to her and pouted. "That's no fair... I want to make Aki feel good too." She continued to rub her breast against Akino's back and grope her breasts. Akino looked as if she didn't care who finished her off as long as she had the pleasure form it. Serenity inched her toward Jakuto and had her kneel down in front of him on the floor. Serenity lifted Akino's shirt a bit so that Jakuto could see her v****a. She smiled and spread Akino's lips for him.
Jakuto slipped his hand between Akino's hips and rubs her v****a that was opened by Serenity. He slid a finger inside of her as if to tease her slowly. "Does Akino want to ride?" he asked her
Akino could barely speak, all that came out was moans and whimpers that couldn't be distinguished as either a yes or no. Serenity placed small kissed along her neck. "Go ahead Aki... I'll help you if you want." She whispered against her ear. Akino opened her eyes a bit and nodded slightly. Serenity proceeded to pull the cover back from Jakuto and slung Akino's leg over him.
She held Akino's hips as she lowered her onto him.
Jakuto squirmed a bit as he slide into Akino. he slide his hands into her shirt to grope her breasts a bit before he put his hands on her waist, moving her onto him slowly to make himself thrusts into her deep.
Akino moaned as she felt Jakuto squirm inside her. She leaned her head back when she felt his hands move over her body. Serenity held onto Akino as she stood on her knees over Jakuto as well, behind Akino. She held her body against Akino's tightly as Jakuto moved Akino back and forth on top of him.
She could feel the shorts she had on getting wet and she only let go of Akino for a brief moment to remove them.
He continued to thrusts himself into Akino, changing her pace so that she could thrust him harder and faster, aiming for her sweet spot to make her orgasm quicker.
Akino began to moan a bit louder. Serenity had leaned her a bit forward to have her back arch against her. Serenity was able to reach around to Akino's c**t and began to play with her there for a while as Jakuto thrust into her.
Jakuto sat himself up a bit before he held her waist tightly against and came inside of Akino hard, filling her up quickly as he kissed her while moaning. He could feel how we she had gotten after Akino rode him. He reached behind Akino a bit and caressed Serenity's breasts through her shirt a bit.
Serenity moaned a bit as he groped her breasts. She began to grope Akino in return. Akino moaned through the kiss even more than she already was. She had just finished her orgasm when Jakuto started kissing her. Now she was just going crazy. Her whole body was sensitive at that point, and with those two touching her like they were would surely make her have another orgasm soon.
He stayed inside of Akino until he finished filling her with his c**. he pulled back from the kiss and looked at her. “Mmm... I think Serenity want to have her turn now."
Akino nodded and climbed form on top of Jakuto. She let serenity lower herself onto him before she got behind her and held onto her middle. Akino rubbed Serenity's sides up and down, already knowing that was one of her soft spots. She looked over Serenity's shoulders and saw that her nipples were getting harder.
Jakuto smiled as he watched Serenity taking him into her with his wet member. He pulled Serenity more towards him as Akino was rubbing her sides, kissing Serenity roughly as he thrusts himself into her. "You two girls are so good."
Akino smiled as she groped Serenity harder. Serenity began to moan loudly through the kiss. "And you make us feel good too, Jakuto." Akino said. She leaned down a bit to Serenity. "Doesn't he make you feel good Senny?"
Serenity could barely speak as Jakuto thrust into her deeply. She managed to get out an answer before feeling him against her spot, "Ah... yes... it... it feels so good."
Serenity let out a loud moan as she was nearing her next orgasm.
Jakuto was panting hard as he continued a bit longer until he finished by filling Serenity up. He was starting to get tired as he was lying down on the floor and looked at them with a smile." Too bad Sasha is missing out on something good." He couldn't help but slightly laughed a bit before he soon started to doze off to sleep.
Akino and Serenity lay on either side of him as they too dozed off. "You don't have to worry about Sasha..."Serenity sighed. Akino nodded in agreement. "Besides," Akino added, "Sasha has a boyfriend... they've been together since we were in middle school."
"I see. Well, I have the two of you to myself then." He said to them before he went to sleep. The girls giggled and looked up at him as he was drifting into his slumber. They both kissed either of his cheeks and snuggled up against him as they fell asleep in his arms.
The next morning, when Jakuto woke up, he moved himself a bit so that he would on top of Akino and ******** her to wake her up slowly.
Akino was still sleeping soundly as Jakuto ******** her in her sleep. Though she was a heavy sleeper, she tossed a bit as Jakuto lay atop of her.
Jakuto lifted up Akino's waist a bit as she started toss a bit. He put his hand under her butt and slipped a finger into her a** as he continued to ******** her, his thrusts getting more heavy and violent into her.
Akino did start to moan a bit as Jakuto's thrusts got more violent. She started to grip the sheets underneath her as her eyes began to open to see him in front of her.
Jakuto smiled as he thrusts himself into her wildly, leaning down and kissing Akino roughly for a moment before he stopped and filled her up with his c**. "Mmm...morning to you."
Akino held onto the covers tightly as she had her orgasm. When she was finished, she settled herself on the blanket and smiled back at Jakuto. "Hm... good morning..." She then looked over at Serenity. She was tuned the other way still asleep. She turned against her back and began to grope her breasts as she slept. Akino lifted her leg as well and Serenity stirred. "It's Senny's turn now Jakuto."
He grins a bit. Jakuto moved so that he would be lightly sitting on Serenity's leg as Akino lifted up the other one; he guides himself into her and thrusts himself into her deep and hard while Serenity was still asleep.
Akino gets on her knees to better hold up Serenity's leg. She watched her as serenity began to squirm a bit underneath Jakuto. It wasn't long before Serenity was moaning as she woke up to it. Her head tossed to the sides as she moaned lightly, "Not so rough, Jakuto..."
He grinned as he looked at Akino when Serenity was waking up. His pace didn't let up as he continued to tam himself into her hard and deep, smacking noises started to echo through the room each time he penetrated Serenity as he kissed Akino.
Serenity began to moan louder as she woke up fully. One of her hands held onto Akino's arm as the other held the sheets beneath her. As she neared her peak, her back let up form the floor and her moans became gasps for air.
Jakuto soon came inside of Serenity and filled her quickly. Once he was finished, he pulled himself out from her before putting on a pair of pants and started to make some breakfast for them.
Serenity lay there catching her breath as Jakuto went into the kitchen. Akino sat next to her, smiling. "Well... that was one hell of a wake up call huh?" She teased. Serenity only smiled and shoved a pillow at her. Akino set the pillow aside and climbed on top of serenity.
"Now," Akino said. "I want to make you feel good all by myself, Serenity." She began to kiss Serenity on her neck and made her way downward. Akino then moved the covers aside and stopped at her vaginal lips. She smiled up at Serenity who was peering at her. She continued by kissing her there and licked up all the fluids that had leaked from her insides.
Time had passed, Jakuto and Akino kept seeing each other during the weekends, sometimes Serenity came from time to time to play with them. One day, Jakuto asked if Akino would go see a movie or something with him.
Akino was on her phone with Jakuto. She had been sent to the hospital after school at cheerleading practice. Akino had fallen out on the field during the routine and gave the entire squad a shock. Akino just thought it was the heat that had gotten to her. She told him as such and asked to reschedule for a later day.
Jakuto was a bit concerned for Akino but didn't say anything. "You take care of yourself then. You can always stop by you know?" He said to her.
"I know." Akino said. "I'll call you back after I'm done here. I don't know exactly how long it will take so don't got to sleep on me okay?" She teased. While in her hospital bed she looked around the room. She could feel a slight pain in her stomach but she knew the doctors would have the explanation for that.
"I'll wait for Senny and Sasha to get here until then. Just don't worry about it. It's nothing too bad I'm sure."
"Alright, then, I'll see you soon. Love you Aki." he said to her before he hang up the phone. He sighed a bit. He sat himself on the couch thinking as he waited.
It was about three hours later when Akino called him back. In the background he could hear Sasha having a fit and serenity trying to calm her down. "Jakuto... uhm... I have something to tell you."
From the background Sasha yelled, "Damn right! And I swear you'll pay for this you sick perverted creep!" Serenity tried calming her again and Sasha ended up lashing out at her.
Jakuto blinked a bit as he heard what was going on. "Yes Aki?” he sounded confused of what was going on
"Jakuto... I'm pregnant..." Akino confessed. Sasha only got madder when she told him. There was a crash through the phone and both Serenity and Akino yelped. Sasha's voice could be heard saying, "And now we're gunna miss regional’s! If you haven't noticed, you twisted freak, WE NEED AKINO TO WIN!!" She yelled at the phone. Serenity could be heard saying, "Come on, Sasha, please, calm down."
She finally calmed but she said, "I know… I'm gunna chop his d**k off! How about that huh!? That ought to teach you won't it!" Both Akino and Serenity objected to her threat. But Sasha went on to say, "Where does this b*****d live huh?! I know you guys know. Where else would you two have been all that time over break huh? Where does this a*****e live, huh!?"
"Aki, just turned the phone towards Sasha so she could hear me, don't want to ruin your ears." he said to her politely a bit after he heard what was going.
"Alright…" Aki did as she was told. But Sasha ended up just taking the phone from her. "You know what? You're lower than I thought you were at first. You're too low to even be called a man, you creep!" Sasha yelled into the phone.
"You listen up you b***h, if you think you need Aki to win, your damned wrong. You’re being too dependent on people and you boss people around so much. Now thinking about you were pretty much the same when I met you on that stupid game. Instead of worrying about others with their problems you should concentrate on yours. If I ever see you here, I'll make sure you WILL regret it. Don't EVER freaking bother me again you two faced a**. I love my Aki and I want to be with her. You have a boyfriend don't you so you should know how it feels. If you don't then I feel sorry for the guy who would end up marrying you!" He said to her before he hung up the phone.
Sasha's face got red with frustration. She couldn't think of anything to say. Mostly because mostly everything he had said about her was true. Akino and Serenity looked at her confused for a moment as Sasha stood there staring at the phone. "Sasha..." Serenity said. She took a step closer to her. Sasha clenched the phone in her hand and said, "Th-that… b*****d..."
It was the only thing she said before she burst into tears. She dropped the phone on the floor and ran form the room. Serenity watched her out the door as she made her way through the crow of doctors and out the entrance to the emergency room. She turned to Akino but neither of them would know the answer to what happened unless they called Jakuto back.
Jakuto sighed as he looked at the phone. He didn't mean to go all out on Sasha who was their friend, but she needed a wake up call. He put the phone down on the table and lays down on the couch while looking up." So my Aki is pregnant, eh?"
Serenity put the phone on the end of Akino's bed after checking that it was still functioning properly. She sat next to her and held her hands. "Well... should we call him back?" Akino shook her head. "I'm sure what ever he said... Sasha deserved it." Serenity was surprised at what she had said. One of their friends had just run out of the hospital in tears.
Serenity sat there with Akino until the hospital had successfully contacted Akino's parents and informed them of the situation. Akino was put on leave from school for the rest of the week to go through prenatal care for a while. On her last day of bed rest, Akino got a chance to visit Jakuto. She walked up to his door and rang the bell.
Jakuto went to the door and answered it seeing it was Akino who was there. He smiled as he looked at her." I've been waiting for you." He whispered.
Akino smiled and walked through the door. She had a bag with her, and since she couldn't go to practices anymore, she was dressed in her normal clothes instead of her usual skirt and team jacket. Though she hadn't started to show yet, her weight gain was getting a bit more noticeable.
Jakuto led Akino to the living room and sat on the couch. He gently put a hand on her stomach as if to feel the baby inside of her." So, we are parents are we?" He asked her.
Akino smiled and nodded. She took hold of Jakuto's arm and leaned against his shoulder. "So... my parents are a bit disappointed in me..." She laughed a bit. "But at least I still get to graduate at the end of the semester." She closed her eyes and imagined her life form now on. She didn't know exactly how they would make it with a child on the way, but she had a feeling everything would work out.
"I see. They'll accept it through time." he said to her as he gently strokes her hair." By the way, heard any news from Sasha since that incident?" he asked her.
"Serenity came over a few days ago and told me she turned over her position as captain to a sophomore." She thought for a moment to remember what else she had told her. "And... she's been acting a little different from what she told me as well. She says Sasha joined an anger management class and is going through therapy twice a week now."
Jakuto blinked a bit as he heard the news. It was strange a bit but none the less had nothing to do with him. He gave out a small sigh. "I see, so she's on the road to recovery eh?" He said before he kissed Akino. "Well, as long it doesn't hinder between us."
Akino smiled and snuggled closer to him. "I go back to school tomorrow so... I'll see if it's actually working for her. I'm still curious about what you said to her though. She ran from the emergency room crying, you know..."
"All I said to her is that she should stop depending on people so much and work on her own problems. Also said I would be feeling sorry for the guy who would end up marrying her. That's pretty much it." He shrugged slightly before he looked at her and kissed her. "Well, since your going back to school tomorrow, want to spend the night here?
Akino smiled and flicked his nose. "What do you think the bag is for, silly?" She giggled but suddenly stopped. "Oh! Do you have pineapples? I'm craving them like crazy... and maybe some chowder..." She thought for a minute. "No... yeah... clam chowder... and mushrooms..."
Jakuto went to the kitchen to find something for Akino. He was only able to get some clam chowder and some mushrooms. "Sorry dear. I don't have any pineapples."
Akino pouted a bit. "That's okay..." She smelled the steam form her chowder and tasted a bit of the mushrooms. She smiled and (literally) dug into the bowl of chowder. When she was finished with the chowder and mushrooms she handed the bowls to Jakuto. "Thanks baby." She smiled.
He took the bowls from her and went to clean them." Welcome Aki." he said before he cleaned the dishes.
Akino stretched out on the couch, propping her feet up on the arm. She let out a content sigh and began to rub her belly. Before she could notice, she was singing. It sounded like a lullaby, but it was in a foreign language.
Jakuto came back after he finish and sat himself next to her, putting her head on his lap as he sat down, "Cute song."
Akino smiled up at him. "My father taught it to me when I was little. After a trip to Europe, he told me about a group a Romanians he met. He said they would sing that song on the Solstice, on the first day of fall. It's more of a prayer to assure their well being. That everything will be okay..."
He smiled to her and nodded leaning down a bit to kiss her lightly. "That's something nice to hear." he said to her before he gently caressed her stomach.
Akino returned Jakuto's kiss and watched as he rubbed her stomach. "Do you want to know where the baby is?" She put her hand over his to guide him. "The doctor said that it'll stay in the same spot until it really begins to grow." She rested his hand to the right, just above her bellybutton. "I hope it's a girl..."

Sasha was walking home from her Anger Management classes. She had remembered the directions that Serenity had given her to Jakuto's house. They were on the way to her house so she decided to stop by and apologize for what had happened in the hospital. Walking up to the door, she rang the door bell and waited a few moments for him to answer. Hopefully he would be home.
Jakuto heard the door ball while he was playing the game on the computer. He got up from his seat and went to answer the door. He saw that it was Sasha. "...Yes?"
Sasha held her head down. "I-I'm sorry for what I said... at the hospital... I just got angry for no reason really." She looked up at him. "And… also, I wanted to thank you for opening my eyes to the error of my ways..." She managed a faint smile. “I'm doing a lot better now though..."
"I see....and here I thought you were going to try and rip my balls off like you said over the phone..." He gave out a sigh before he let her in.
Sasha jumped a bit at the comment. She shook her head. "No... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it... like I said, I was just angry..." She shifted and extended a hand to him. "SO, why don't we start over?"
Jakuto looked at her for a moment before he went to grab a can of pop for her. "We'll see... I heard from Serenity that you've been dumped by your boyfriend due to the previous incident." He said to her before handing her the can.
This brought a frown to her face. "Y-yeah..." She sat on the couch in the living room. "But, we're still friends..." She thought over the incident and what had happened when they broke up. She managed to bring a small smile back as she looked down at the can of soda.
"I see." he raised a brow when he saw her. He opened his can and drank some of it. "You do seem a bit different..."
Sasha laughed a bit. She was glad to hear the classes had been working for her. At first, she was afraid that she wouldn't make it. But it seemed her determination to change had taken a toll on her. Sasha opened her can as well and sipped at it a bit. "Well... I have been working hard to change my attitude... my parents didn't believe I was the same person the other day."
Jakuto slightly laughs. “Yeah it's somewhat hard to believe..." He said before he continued to drink his can before he looked at her." Hmm… hard to believe someone who could have been such a pain can actually change like that..." She bit her bottom lip. She hadn't realized she was such a pain until she had started to change. The way things were going now, everyone seemed to want to be around her more. But it was upsetting to her that Serenity and Akino weren't spending much time with her anymore. She had thought at first that they would be the most happy about her change. But she had set her hopes a bit too high with them.
She merely nodded and sipped her drink again.
He got up after he set the can down; he went closer, lifting her chin up a bit before he kissed her lightly. "Well, least this change is better than the previous one."
Sasha went wide eyed as Jakuto kissed her. In fear of having the can drop from her hands she moved her hands up a bit to grip it tighter. She was speechless then, and could barely get her breathing back on track. She sat there, staring at him, trembling a bit.
" look much cuter... if you were like this before, I would have invited you while Aki and Serenity was over... You could have liked the fun we had. They quite enjoyed it." He gave out a small grin.
She could feel her heart skip a beat at the mention of their names. As far as she could tell from what he said, Akino ended up pregnant and Serenity couldn't stay away from him. But it wasn't that thought that caused her to lean forward and kiss him then it was his kind words. It was giving her more and more confidence every time he told her that her changes were making her a better person for everyone.
He returned her kiss for a moment before he took the can out from her hands and put it on the table. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them down onto the couch as he looked at her. "Would you like to know what I did to them?"
Sasha put her arms around Jakuto's neck. Hearing his question she merely nodded.
Jakuto kissed her roughly for a moment as his hands caressed her waist a bit. His hands grabbed her pants and underwear and tugged them off of her slowly. "I do believe you already have some experience about this."
Sasha blushed when he said that. She shook her head slightly. Truth was she had never gone past making out with her boyfriend. And it's not because they didn't want to, it was just that, they were waiting for graduation. But seeing as they were no longer together that they would never get to do it. She looked up at Jakuto, "Well… no. I don't..."
"I see then, well, I'll give you the pleasure of giving you your first experience." He said before he flipped her onto her stomach. He was now behind her as he undid his pants slightly. He pulled out his member and rubs himself against her vaginal lips to get hard before he entered her slowly and deep.
Sasha moaned loudly as he entered her. She braced herself against the couch and clenched her fists. "Arghh..." She put her head down a bit. "I-is it supposed to hurt this much?"
"Only the beginning...." He said to her with a grin. He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him, driving himself into her hard and deep as he thrusts himself into her roughly.
Sasha's cries were muffled by her biting into her jacket. She felt every thrust he gave to her. After a few minutes, the pain subsided and she lifted her head a bit as she moaned in pleasure. Her breathing became deeper and she arched her back a bit.
"You see?" He said to her as he slipped his hands inside her shirt and bra, caressing her breasts as he continued to thrusts himself into her as the blood went down her thighs. He was throbbing hard and was still growing inside of her, pulling her onto his full length. "I'll also give you your first feeling of being filled up Sasha."
Sasha just kept moaning, trying to keep her breath steady.
He continued to ram himself into her harder and deeper until he finally stopped deep inside of her, releasing his c** into her womb and filling her up quickly. “Mmm... yes…"
Sasha held her breath as she felt the warm fluid fill her. She felt her whole body getting hotter as she stayed there. She folded her arms and laid her head down on the arm of the couch, still having Jakuto hold her hips up.