Brandon came over again, so we can spend one more time together before i go to Georgia. We made out a lot, but cuddled, too. Since Hailee and Tehani were here, we actually PAID them to stay out of the room XDDDD So funny. Got another my going-to-miss-you present XDDDD He also gave me my hat and his jacket to take with me. ^_^;; Love you, Brandon. Also! Took some pictures. (just copying and pasting my LJ it may be weird.....)
NO idea what I'm doing this weekend. But, sorry Maygen, I really think my aunt's going to be really sad if I don't come. I haven't seen her in so long. I'm really, really sorry ;-; Lighter note.... Played around with the webcam. I'm so ugly :sigh: But the pictures are pretty cool, I think. Bad, both with my lack of talent and the crappy webcam, but I like them well enough ^_^;;
&lj-cut& <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> This or the one further down (I say I love it).....prolly my favorite out of these. <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> FEEL MY TEENAGE ANGST! YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY TORTURED TEENAGE SOUL! <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> I'd just seen a picture like this of an anime girl, so I tried &_& I suck, I know.
My dad thought this was a cool picture. I think it sucks XDDDD <img src="" alt="Image hosted by"> I LOVE this picture.....I'm ugly as always, but i like it biggrin <img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
 &/lj-cut& I know, I'm ugly and the pics suck, but comment, please, and tell me what you think ^_^;; I'm desperate, people XDDDDDDD
Tsukichi · Fri Dec 16, 2005 @ 02:44am · 2 Comments |