A black path stretches out before you, its soil black and old, the trees around you grow thicker and thicker, a gray fog twisting its way around the roots. You can hear the chatter of insects around you faintly. The path twists and turns through the forest as you follow it along in your curiosity. The trees around you start to change, as some gradually start to show up with a stringy moss hanging from there large branches. The smell of swamp in hinted in the moist air around you. The path leads you to a small clearing, the path has water on either side of it, covered in green scum, you can see lizards and small reptiles swimming it the murky water, crocks beached themselves to warm their cold blood. In front of you stands a massive statue of a knight holding his sword, vines has growled into its old stone and a rose bush clings for life against the rock. The air becomes lifeless, the wind doesn't even breath. The area feels as though nothing but death settled here. You take a better look around and notice that the lizards and crocks you noticed before are dead, nothing but animated corpses. Their flesh hung from the bones like torn cloth, in their eyes that have decade away after so long you see red orbs. The roses in front of you whisper in your ear eerily saying horrible things about a knight that was so foul hell didn't even take him. The statue of the knight before you seems to be watching you coldly, his name was Teroth the Hellish Knight. The roses explained to you how his soul was trapped within the stone, and how his old body withered away and died right where your standing. The black roses whispering dies away once it has told its story and you slowly see your name appear on the stone tablet that was engraved with so many other names. Now your name belongs to the Teroth though there is nothing he can do with it, legend says once he collects every name in the world he would be set free. But little did Teroths soul know, that this legend would never come true.