Community Member
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 @ 01:29pm
Robbie and Lonny McDaniels
My strings are pulled by... CuddlyDeathPrincess You can call me... Robert (Robbie) McDaniels I've lived through... 23 See me as a... Human I can assure you, I am... Male I would call myself... Is open minded I tend to be... Robbie is very happy type fellow, very open, kind of childish, doesn't really let anything get him down. My tale begins with... Ever since Robert was twelve years old, he was captain of a ship. He knows a ship better than most people twice his age. He has more experiences then people twice his age too. He handles most of the affairs and decides where the ship goes to. Though on outwards appearances it looks like his brother Lonagon (Lonny) runs the show I want a collar with... Robbie really just wants a companion and a play mate. So a cloud, heart, ball, doll even would be a good idea. Expect me to be... A very hyperactive and attentive master. Wants attention and fun almost all the time. My property is called... Tanma & Noelle in CoD My strings are pulled by... CuddlyDeathPrincess You can call me... Lonagon (Lonny) McDaniels I've lived through... 20 See me as a... Human I can assure you, I am... Male I would call myself... Heterosexual I tend to be... A bit bookish, more manly than his brother, strong. My tale begins with... Lonny though younger than his brother people tend to take him more serious. He is the one that keeps the books. Expenses mostly but with his brother around he really isn't needed. Lonny is more of his brother's body double when it comes to business deals. I want a collar with... No collars that require him to keep a constant eye on them. He has a enough on his plate with his brother. Doesn't really matter what they do. Just need someone he can talk to or maybe help him with chores. Expect me to be... Kind of standoffish. Has many books so maybe someone who can be independent. And someone his brother could enjoy My property is called... Yuri/Yuriko in CoD