Gaia name: Sakurah
Character played: The queen of Spades- The black queen
Name: Allura Black
Age: 35
Sexuality: straight
Personality: very proper and uptight. She is self centered and expects alot of her servants. She has a bit of a drinking problem.
Likes: the night time, moon light, wine, her dogs
Dislikes: being proved wrong, the red queen, mice
Bio: As a fifth generation ruler of the suit of spades, Allura is a just but very proud ruler. She grew up in the life of luxury and so is a spoiled brat at time. She cant stand not getting her way, but does have a soft heart dispiter her stubborness. Allura was the first queen of spades, her parents unable to produce a male heir to the thrown. She as since grown cold and is able to control the mass amount of ravens about wonderland, as she is a raven herself. She is trying to gain control of wonderland as she thinks that she would be best to rule.
Character from---- war for wonderland