To all my good friends on Gaia... |
Ok hello again, those of you who read this. How is everyone been doing lately? Me, you ask? I'm doing well at the moment I guess. BIG SHOUTOUTS TO ALL MY BESTEST FRIENDS, first and foremost, the one who is far more than a friend to me, my heart Vicki. Babi, I'm glad we could talk about what was bothering you, and believe me it was a load off telling you everything on my mind. I'm just soo happy knowing that I can open up to you completly. I really hope I can see you soon, my heart is aching from lack of Vicki love lately. Next is Brandon, my bro. I hope you and your girlfriend work things out bro, and whatever happens, remember that you'll always have anime network, so all isnt lost. Amber, hey sis I really want you to figure out what you want and what would be best for you, and base your decision on that. (you know what I mean, I wont broadcast it here) Jasmine, if ya read this, I'm glad things are working out for you. I'm really happy that you can finally feel the way you do now, and to you both I wish you the best of luck for the future. *hugs* Ebony, I cant tell you the cult isnt the answer because it would mean nothing to you comming from me. I can say however that you need to ask yourself, what is it that you really want in life, not the here and now, but in the long run. Dont worry, if you believe it can, then things will turn out for the better. Thats all the people that are my good friends that also are on Gaia that I can think of. Well anyways, to all of you, I'm soo glad that I had the privelege of meeting you and wouldnt have it any other way. Love you guys. Laterz.
Crimzen Regret · Thu Jan 26, 2006 @ 06:19pm · 6 Comments |