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View User's Journal

Book of Randomness!!!
Braggings, horror events, and more in my random thoughts put to paper!!! (paper? wtf) X3
Walt Disney hates mothers
Aladdin :: Aladdin has no parents, jasmine no mother
Bambi :: Mother is killed
The little mermaid :: mother never mentioned
Tarzan :: Jane has no mother, tarzan's birth parents die
Snow white/cindarella :: evil step moms dont count as mothers
peter pan :: orphan
sleeping beuty :: i don't remember her having parents
jungle book :: no parents
fox and the hound :: mother killed by hunter
the black couldron :: no parents just an uncle or something
beauty in the beast :: mother not mentioned?
oliver and company :: orphan kitteh
a goofy movie :: where's the mom?
pocahontas :: mom died
james and the giant peach :: no parents
the hunchback of N. D. :: mother killed
george of the jungle :: orphan
dinosaur :: orphan
the emperors new groove :: does he have parents?
lilo and stitch :: just an older sister
finding nemo :: mom is eaten

and the newer ones don't count because they aren't really disney anymore