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View User's Journal

Random Stuff <3
This will be filled with information with my works, random stuff, and things that i throw in there for safe keeping.
Hacked - Losses

Coco Kitty - 616,302 Gold
Kottan Bell - 364,900 Gold
Demonic Anklets - 138,500 Gold
Nitemare Sash - 117,000 Gold
Goti the Kid - 53,300 Gold
Raider Shih's Garment - 40,000 Gold
Frigid Night Jewel - 27,000 Gold
Raging Night Jewel - 33,000 Gold
Magical Girl - 40,000 Gold

TOTAL = 1,738,002

Possibly other items were taken as well, but the rough esitmate is the sum above.
And if i don't get my account back, my guess is a total of 2mil in loss.

STARS - - lumia
Community Member
STARS - - lumia
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