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Himariwari Onna [Hiei Romance] Part 1
The golden glazed petals always left a wonderful scent. I take in a deep gush of air and smile with delight. I clutch the stem of the sunflower and admire its beauty and everything else around me. The soft blades of grass, tall trees, different types of flowers. It feels so good to be back in Tokyo, and the fact that the Secret Garden still remained makes me feel even happier. But the thing that I really want to see most of all is my best friend, Yusuke Urameshi.

Yusuke Urameshi was insanely notorious, and within my 3 years in Korea, he only called me 4 times. Whenever I asked him why he called so rarely, he claimed that he was busy. My foot he was. I drop back to reality and go inside the light yellow 2-story house. "Mama, can I go see Yusuke...I think he may be home." I beg. She purses her lips tightly and brushes golden brown strands of hair from her creamy-pale skin. "Hun, Yusuke is a bad influence." It almost breaks my heart to hear her speak so poorly of my closest friend. "Please? I think he stays out of trouble more often!" I lie. I want to see Yusuke very badly. "Fine, just don't do anything foolish that he may drag you into." I perk up and run out of the house after forcing my shoes on very quickly. I sprint to Yusuke's house, hoping I still remember the route. I notice a familiar door not too far and I knock on it vigoriously. An accustomed tall figure opens the door. The big brown eyes and black greasy hair adjusts to my eyes. It was indeed Yusuke.

I can't help but grin widely and throw my arms around his neck. "Ryoko?" Yusuke stammers, clearly taken back by the sudden action of his childhood friend. "Yes, Yusuke, it's me!" I assure him. It felt so good to hear him say my name once more. I let go of him and gaze at him, unspeakibly happy. He grins and rubs my head. "It's been a while." He says. "Yes, it has." I agree. "How's school? And Keiko?" I ask. "School is still a lump of s**t. Keiko is still the nag hag." He replies, clearly amused at his rhyme he had recently created to describe Keiko. I frown at him. "Keiko is very kind and sensitive." I reply defensively. He chuckles to himself and shakes his head.

"URAMESHiII! FIGHT ME!!!" I hear a very loud, yet recognizable voice. I turn my head to see a lofty guy with orange elvis hair. It was Kuwabara! I grin again and wave. Kuwabara's determined expression wears away and replaces it with a huge grin. "RYOKO!" He runs over to hug me, but Yusuke gets in front of me and socks him in the stomach effortlessly. "Ryoko just got here, and I don't want someone crushing her already." He smirks as he removes his hand. Kuwabara tries to look unharmed by Yusuke's blow. "I'm sorry for the short visit, but tomorrow, we'll get to hang out as much as we want!" I bow after checking my watch, and I dart back home.

"So, Ryo, has Yusuke changed?" My father asks as he takes a sip of his water. I smile slightly. "No." My parents become silent, which worries me. "But he is still protective, and that's all you asked of him when you first met him!" I point out. My mother arches her eyebrows and resumes to washing the dishes. I sigh as I take in the last portion of sushi, and then excuse myself from the table.

After brushing my teeth and combing my hair, I change into a simple red shirt with black shorts. I think of Yusuke, wondering if he is safe or if he is doing his usual routine of night fighting.

I remember way back, Yusuke and I were young. I was 4 years old and Yusuke was 5. "Yusuke, what can you do when you grew up?" Of course, my grammar wasn't postively correct. "I'll make a group for boys like me." He replied, not moving his eyes from the still sunset. "Boys like you? What did you mean?" I wondered. He adjusted his dark brown eyes to me and stares at me for awhile. "Boys with nothing." At that very moment, I both understood yet didn't know what he was talking about. He said it in a way where I just couldn't explain it.

I, once again, snap back to reality. I turn off the lamp and snuggle back under the covers. The next morning, I yawn and stretch, hearing satisfying pops coming from my vertebrae. I brush my teeth and splash my face with cold water. I slip into the my old Chugakko Uniform, eat a few strawberries, and stroll to school.

"Ryoko Kiyomi!" I spin around and saw a few of my old friends! "Hey!" I wave quirkily and approach them. "It's so good to see you again!" They cheer in unison and smothered me with hugs. "Thanks! I missed you guys too~" I giggle. We all walk to homeroom and chat about what we've done over the past year.

School was very normal. The usual teaching, awkward romances, and rare atheltic triumphs. After school was let out, I began to walk to Sarakayashi, Yusuke's school. I personally hate that school. The teachers were crude and the school was swarmed with bullying delinquents. "Hey Ryoko." Yusuke greets casually from behind. I turn to him and tuck some hazel - blonde hair behind my studded ear. I smile in response. Abruptly, a gang of guys, about 5-7 people, surrounds us. "Y-yusuke..." I whimper and wince a bit. "Don't worry Ryoko, I've got this." Yusuke assures me confidently. "Hey guys, what's crackin'?" He smirks. "Nothin' really, just low on any?" One of them say. "No, I don't." "Well, we'll have to knock it outta ya!" Another one roars and they lung at us. I brace myself, hoping that nothing hurts me. I peek from the cracks of my fingers, and see that all of the guys were sprawled out on the floor! I cover my mouth to muffle my scream. "9th fight of the day." Yusuke triumphs. I let out a relieved sigh and smile wearily.

Yusuke and I were loitering at my home, snacking on some vanilla ice cream. "This is good. Got any liquor?" He asks, his spoon resting in his mouth. I roll my eyes and pour some Sprite for him. He chugs it down, which follows with a dreamy, refreshed 'ahhh.' I chuckle and put the bowls away. My mother comes in the front door and sees us, an unpleased expression playing on her face. "Ryoko..." She murmurs. I sigh and arch my eyebrows, then take Yusuke outside. "Your mom doesn't like me." He states after we she was out of earshot. "You're right." I frown. "But it doesn't matter, because I love you. In a friendly way." I comfort. "Mhm, you're not bad yourself." Yusuke grunts. He was so...unaffectionate sometimes.

We spent a few hours together and then I headed home. After changing into some pjs I wore yesterday, I snuggle under the blankets.

Ryoko Kiyomi
Community Member
Ryoko Kiyomi
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  • User Comments: [6]
    Suicidal Rain
    Community Member

    Wed Apr 28, 2010 @ 12:33am

    It's really good!

    L Roraito
    Community Member

    Sun May 02, 2010 @ 03:25am

    neh..its okay

    -l- Lunar Kitten -l-
    Community Member

    Tue May 04, 2010 @ 01:45am

    i dont like it

    raawrr xxv
    Community Member

    Thu May 06, 2010 @ 12:03pm

    thumbs up ^-^

    Sweet Feeling
    Community Member

    Thu May 06, 2010 @ 10:25pm


    A Broken CD
    Community Member

    Wed May 12, 2010 @ 03:18am


    User Comments: [6]