Well today I had to wake up early as usual to go to work.. and well we were waiting for the worker to come so my mommy and I could go to school and buy my damn books.. Soo he finally reached and we went.. it was confusing, but then I realized how it worked.. and well the books weren't cheap at all.. >_> but the guy was pretty nice =) then.. we left and my mommy had to put gas on the car and well we were waiting there.. and when we finished, this dude with his gigantic truck comes over and goes in front of us.. and my mom flips out saying to the guy who was putting the gas like.. WTF? why is he there? I have to move, how am I supposed to leave? And then my mom had to go back and then when we were reached the guy's truck, the dude was saying like Hey! It's Panama! Go back to China! and stuff.. rolleyes How stupid is that dude.. like he's saying that only this country behaves this way? He's making a fool out of himself by saying it since whe I can infer from his statements is the following:
- We have no eduation and no respect for others
- Only Panamanians act this way
- Chinese people respects others unlike Panamanians
Soo yeahh he's was soo illogical so I had to scream like "that's why Panama doesn't progress.." but I bet he didn't hear it since he's in his own littee worl of jackasses.. I should've screamed like That's why Panama doesn't progress with people like you!!! a*****e!
So yeahh.. after that we went to check my eyes.. and well it was weird.. >_> first time doing it.. and I thought that I had trouble looking from far.. but I the doctor said that it was more than that!!!! gonk SCARY!! Well.. yeahh I gotta use glasses now.. :< and well we bought GUESS glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blaugh 3nodding Awesome huh? those were the only ones that look good D: the others didn't convince me.. v_v and well it wasn't cheap but I hope it's worth it and I won't break them.. >_< Soo yeahh we spent a lot on me.. D;
Yesterday I watched EP 4-8 of Haruhi Suzumiya! 8D It's confusing and more confusing!
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