*is crying irl* sorry zero if i did anything to upset u... i didn't mean to drive u away... but i'd like to know what i did to hurt u so. kyo i'm sorry i haven't been on i've been very busy. i'm acctually doing my algerbra II hmwk right now as we speak*smiles slightly* i can barely see he paper thru my tears but that's what happens when u cry i guess. but i don't get why some people want to hurt me...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! please... i've had most of my friends and family die.... and it doesn't help that i am as well. i'm not kidding... it may be real slow... but i don't need any more pain than my already dieing body has to give. i don't need to die sooner from a broken heart... I HOPE UR HAPPY U JERK!!!!!! i hope i... 
-BloodPhase-Yoru- · Wed Mar 01, 2006 @ 05:52am · 2 Comments |