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Arkelle's Nonsense
xD Random crap. Thats it.
I am feeling physically terrible right now. I suffer from terrible patterns of sleep, which consist of fits of horrible nightmares, or complete insomnia. I usually sleep excessive amounts, like around 10-14 hours of sleep a day, however, I constantly have re-occurring nightmares that are just too terrible to say. I find myself briefly waking up every hour or so from the nightmares. So, because I keep waking up, I don't get any deep sleep. That is why I have to sleep much longer then most people. Anyway, lately I have a hard time even falling asleep, let alone staying asleep. I'll feel so extremely tired, but I spend hours upon hours just laying awake. Its not like im even doing anything. I just lay down to sleep, but I can't. And when I do finally fall asleep, I continue to wake up every hour or so from my dreams. And when I completely wake up to begin the next day, I feel just as tired as I did when I went to sleep. However, it seems that I don't wake up from sleep nearly as much after the sun has come up. I have no idea why, but after about...9am I can sleep more peacefully without waking up as much. I've tried to just alter my sleeping schedule around this weird little loop-hole, but unfortunately my family members can not comprehend my situation. They just will not allow me to sleep during the day. They are allways yelling at me to wake up, and complaining that i've been sleeping for half the day, even though i've explained my situation dozens of times to them, they still don't get it. But then again, saying and feeling are too different things. If they could feel the sort of pain I have when I wake up from those nightmares, then maybe they would understand. If they knew what the nightmares were about....maybe they could sympathize. But they don't. And they probably never will. But I digress, what I meant to say was; because I cannot sleep well at night and because my family rudefully awakens me during the day, I am so exhausted. I can't even think straight. The things that I see in my nightmares haunt me both in sleep and while I am awake. To the point that I almost always subconsciously think about them.
Ahhhh. Im so confused. I don't know what I should do. I can't confide in my family, because they are part of the problem. And any solution I can come up with to help myself only aggravates others.

.....Im very tired.

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Emo Kuromi Nui
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 13, 2010 @ 12:44am

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