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Arkelle's Nonsense
xD Random crap. Thats it.
Quin (Quilava gijinka)


Name: Quincey (KWIN-see)

: Quin. Does not like being called by his actual name.

Species: Quilava

Nature: Bold

: Male

Age: 18

Build: Moderately muscular, without being overdone. Long, Perfectly sculpted torso. Rectangular in shape, despite his muscle build.

Height: Very tall. Almost 6 feet.

Hair: Wild and messy cream colored hair that is semi-short. Tossed in naturally occurring spikes, that point downward, except on the top. On the left side of his face he has a long stream of bangs that cover part of his cheek and ear. It begins slightly right of the hairline and cascades from short to long as it moves closer to his ear. The color is random red/orange/yellow streaks that look almost like fire. At its longest point, his bangs come about mid-neck.

Eyes: Deep teal/navy blue in color, with a gentle, glassy gaze. Size of the eyes are average, and the shape is rectangular, with a slight point at the outside corner. Eyebrows are long, shaped ,and always furrowed in an intense gaze.

Distinguishing features: Long masculine bridge of the nose, but with a cutely rounded tip. Constant impish grin, usually from one side, that can reveal one long canine-like fang on the left side of his mouth. Stands in a easy, approachable manner, without slouching. His feet never touch one another when he stands. Also has three piercings on each of his ears. All small hoops. But one of them differs from the others. On the left ear he wears a small (commonly unknown) earring in the shape of a yellow flower. It is unknown if it holds any significance.

Clothes: Oversized teal/navy colored sporty jacket, with red fire-like fringe/fur detail around the collar/hood. Has cream colored thick cuffs and waistband. Jacket is always left open with no undershirt. He likes to show off his torso. Pants are oversized sport pants, teal/navy in color, very baggy around the ankles. Has the same fire-like fur/fringe detail on the jacket, coming out from the bottom of his pants, onto his shoes. Shoes are also oversized random colored hip-hop styled sneakers. Key staple of his outfit is his signature “Q” beltbuckle on his cream colored belt. It is silver with a big read letter “Q” on it. Also wears one silver ring on his right hand ring finger. It is unknown if it has any significance yet.

Personality: Quin is a total BAMF with a heart of gold. He is bold like not many people have the guts to be. He can ask people he barely knows personal questions without being phased at all, and this can sometimes throw people off guard. He is always honest with himself and other people, even if it may be better to lie. Though, his honesty is one of his admirable traits. Being very bold, he loves to create mischief and do crazy things. Though he can be rather rash, and sometimes says things he shouldn’t, and can turn easy mischief into big trouble. However he can usually maintain a level-head and sort things out with sly words. He is also quite the ladies man. He is surprisingly romantic, despite his hard appearance. Though, he often makes the mistake of dating women who are only in a relationship for the physical, and he is known to make choices he regrets later. He is a lot of fun to be around, as he knows how to laugh at himself and swallow his pride. He does things on the spur of the moment and never holds back. But, being the BAMF he is, he can overdo fun and turn it into trouble. In very rare occasions that few have ever seen, he can turn physically violent. It takes quite a bit of prying to cause him to break, due to his usually easy-going nature, but once he does, he looses himself in rage. It is currently unknown if anything in his past has caused him to be this way, or if his past has anything to do with the reason behind his initial agitation. However, though he is not perfect, he is a genuine good guy. If a friend of his was ever in trouble, you can bet he would fight for them. Quin may be a bit childish , but he is definitely someone you can depend on. But, some can be intimidated by his boldness, and don’t see his true colors. To wrap it up, Quin is a bad-boy with a sweet side, and isn’t afraid to be himself.

Friendships: Can make friends easily, has many friends, and can keep them for a long time, if not life. Is close friends with Dion, and many giys his own age in general. He usually has more guy friends because most of his female friends he has dated at some point, and you know how females are.

In a partner: Female, Ages 15-22. Quin, being the confident, bold guy he is, has enough masculinity to spare. Because of this he doesn’t mind dating older women, though so far he hasn’t been serious about them. Surprisingly, he actually prefers more subdued personalities in females as opposed to more dominant ones. Though he often dates dominant types of women because they fill his need for excitement. Though he hasn’t thought much about settling down, he does know that it won’t be with a woman who is as eccentric as him. His ideal match would be a woman who is understated, kind, loves to have fun and laugh, and isn’t drama.

: May be dating Harlee, Blackjack’s female Houndoom in the near future, but it is unknown if this will be a serious pair. For the most part he dates regularly, but is not looking for someone serious quite yet.

Refs: c: None yeeeetttt