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View User's Journal

January 6, 2011.
The new year is off to a great start!! smile I have school though lol. my life is so sad. I greatly dislike gym and love reading. LOL. I had to go to a funeral today though. It was so sad. My cuz. (3rd cuz and like eighty something i think) died and i almost dryed except for the fact the my baby cuzin was being really funny. She totally spazed out when my uncle tried to gice her to him to put her in the car. lol. They she kept closing a pop top bottle then handing it to me and asking "can you open it?" like five times in a row. It was funny. Had to go back to school. gerrrrrr!!!!!!! razz cause i had after school for honor band and i finally get some of the songs that i couldn't get.

Yours truly,
Lizabeth <(" wink
