Honestly, life is WEIRD. How do I explain this? So...we can think/feel/taste/see and stuff, but .. This is difficult to explain. Sometimes I think I'm not alive, and I'm some kind of figment of my own imagination and stuff, but, I know right now, I'm living. Crap. And I know what I must do, so I just keep going on with my life. YOU KNOW? Blah.
Nvm. I do have those thoughts daily, it doesn't bother me, I just think weird things. XP just another mystery I guess..
So. Love can be all lovey dovey, happy, shiny, warm kawaii desu stuff that makes you feel all happy inside. And it can...suck. Like. SUCK. Yeah?
I've found out that it is okay to love someone that doesn't love you back. As long as they deserve it. And well, does the person I love, deserve it? -.-
idk man. Thats the problem. Oh and another, well, kind of similar one is, does he love, or even have ANY kind of feelings towards me? IDK. Rawr! ....in time, I'll figure it out, I'm usually distracted from things like that anyway. It's not that important..now.
Laughter is most definitely happy, shiny, stuff. And, yay me, I like it. Hurray, I love laughing. Once in my school library, a friend and I were discussing laughter. Then she said that we should laugh. Just for the sake of it. We kinda came up with nothing. Then looked blankly at each other for a moment. Then started cracking up. When that died, we pretended to be laughing, which was so horrible, we ended up laughing.
Then she told me to try stand up, from a sitting position, without using my hands, WITH her index finger pressing down on my forehead. It was so funny! xD
And this was all in a library. > 3>
Though, it's hard for me to laugh from something online, or even smile, it is HARD. But...there is one exception to this. Which is hidden deep within your sub consciousness. Okay. Goodbye.
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