Lv27 |

Skip the Jumpluff was swept away from the meadow where she had been napping by a gust of wind when she was a Hoppip. When she awoke, she found herself far away, alone on a small island surrounded by a vast ocean. As she watched the sun set over the horizon, its rays splaying across the faintly rippling waves, she resolved to try to get back home--and visiting as many new lands as she could along the way.
Now, she enjoys floating from place to place as she explores the world. Her endurance allows her to deftly control her course in all conditions, from gentle breezes to strong winds.

Lv1 |

Itaire wanders the land in search of lost spirits and guides them back home. To find spirits, he uses both the antenna on his head to communicate with the spirit world and his keen sense of hearing that can detect the incorporeal. His is a lonely job; he is always on the move, accompanying wayward spirits to their final destination. When they finally reach where they need to go, he bids the spirits a last goodbye before setting off once more. Nobody really knows how long he has been doing this.

Lv3 | Modest | Good perseverance
Shugoji comes from a long line of Shedinja and Ninjask who serve an ancient family of Salamence. His (as he was previously the shell of a male Nincada) lineage acts as guards, messengers, soldiers, and servants to the noble draconic family, complete with respectful honorifics and bowing. Shugoji himself was mainly a messenger, traveling far and wide in record speed to carry out the orders he was given. Seeing his hard work ethic and modesty of character, the current Salamence lord released him from his bound duties to the ancient family out of gratitude. Now, Shugoji is free to do whatever he pleases, though he often returns to his former masters to aid them as a close family friend.

Lv1 | Careful | Somewhat vain (Renamed Quirky)
P-S31, full title Project Scanner 31, was created by a group of scientists and programmed to scan and analyze lab materials. It was one of their finest projects before it was set free, able to carefully scan any specimen and provide a detailed and thorough report that covered hundreds of relevant points of interest. As a result, it has an extensive data library stored in its personalized hard drive brain from which it can retrieve information in a split second (t < 0.0017 seconds, to be exact)--a quality of which it is particularly proud. It is also quite fond of berry juice.