Username: Zeda Ennd. Character Names: Javier and Fabiola Lucchini. Age: Both 19. Gender: Male & Female. Race: Lebanese.
Sexuality: It all depends on looks.
Bio: Javier and Fabiola.. Yep. They're a boy and girl, but Javier lacks that masculine form so typical with the gender and they both take advantage of the fact. A lot. Their life was a lot like Zinaida's in that they never went to school. They'd skip out and fool around in town with Zin while she made money making music. Their time was spent trying to jobs for her, but they just couldn't lift the 'super heavy' equipment required for the DJ business. They really did try to do s**t, but they were so incredibly useless.. Until they found out they were super attractive! Zinaida, being someone who likes cash, decided they could still work with her just looking hot and pulling the eyes to the stage, which did work for the most part until a man nicknamed 'Foxhound' came along and whisked them away to a life of modeling. If you didn't know, modeling is pretty much just easy money. Easy money that they used for their disgusting Japanimation, also referred to as 'Anime.' Now, most would tell you that real life and anime should never be confused (Who says that? Who?), but they decided after watching an array of shoot 'em up shows that they would try and partake in the action. They bought some guns, and went to the range... ... Where they panicked for like ten minutes after a casing hit one in the eye. Needless to say, they needed practice. Practice practice practice.. But it didn't fit in between the modeling gig too well and they had to let it go.. So there they were. Relatively well-off and mildly well known (In Beirut.) with typically otaku levels of anime and manga and guns just splayed in their house. But then bombs fell. Bombs fell in Seattle. Where Zinaida was. Now, maybe she wasn't the best sister in the world, but she was family. They had to check up on her! They requested (And somehow received) a transport to the states and that's where we find them now. Wang-chunging it up and gung-hoing it down Lebanon style with an arsenal of almost-military-grade weapons and somehow a Casspir armored transport. Just.. Toolin it across America. It's like that film I just made up... The Lucchinis Do America. The Casspir serving as their home and transportation is decorated in a Gorillaz sort of fashion with large quantities of anime based memorabilia on the inside but a strangely simple mustard yellow for the outside. The Lebanon flag is crudely painted on the hood and various bumper-stickers adorned the back. Stickers such as Hello Kitty, but holding an AK-47, or some-odd number of Southern and Italian flags. Those sorts of things. Themes: Javier ~ Eres Veneno Vil. Fabiola ~ [Adult Swim] Bump FMA Scroll.
Personality: Both are light hearted and act very similar to their sister Zinaida. The difference between them and their sibling is that neither of them have such frequent mood-swings, theirs being relatively towards the average side. Javier claims he dresses the same as his sister because the clothes are more freeing, and they are, but I believe it's because he likes being dressed as a chick. Previous Jobs: Brother-sister modeling team for 'Foxhound.' Family: Sister Zinaida is somewhere on Western coast. Parents' whereabouts unknown. Relationships: Very tight siblings.
Side: Nomad. Weapons: Javier and Fabiola interchange weapons frequently. They try to use Italian, French, or German weapons. ~ PS90 Semi-Automatic because she and her brother admired the show Gunslinger Girl, but found out that the P90 used in show was actually rather illegal for civilian use, so they had to go for second best. ~ Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun that their parents owned before disappearing. The parents owned it because they saw it in a number of films and as the number of films grew, the more they loved it. ~ H&K UMP. Their favorite character Triela used one every now-and-again and so they spent much of their time tracking one down after reaching the US when the bombs fell. ~ Walther WA 2000. The one with the long-range covers the one with the shotgun. You haven't the faintest clue as to how difficult it was to find this.
Stowed: ~ Found many actual FN P90s on a number of slain FSI personnel in Lebanon. ~ Benelli M4 shotgun. Acquired with the H&K as they were passing through border remains. ~ Beretta AR70 interchangeable with the H&K. ~ Taurus PT92 for a holdout weapon. ~ Mauser C-96 from Zinaida's personal collection! Low recoil, high accuracy, and high ammo capacity make it shnazzy!
Searching: ~ PGM Hecate II to possibly be used instead of the Walther. ~ Hotchkiss M1909 Benet-Mercie machine gun. They want one because look at that s**t! What the hell is going on there? It's so stupid!
 Why shouldn't they like the French?
Zeda Ennd · Fri Oct 07, 2011 @ 02:25pm · 0 Comments |