⊰Basic Character Information:

[»]True Name: Yvv Avttnei. (Closest pronounceable translation is 'Ivy Avetine.') [»]Nicknames: Eve, Yiv, 744, Eye Vee. [»]Affiliation: Project ICON, Black Hare Security, the Raven's Nest, Palisade Arms, and L'Ordine Imperiale dell'Arcano Tempesta. [»]Occupation: Public Relations Agent for Palisade, Black Hare, and a field agent for the Raven's Nest.
[»]Appeared Age: Mid-early 20s. [»]Actual Age: Roughly thirty-three. [»]Date of Birth: сентябрь 18th. [»]Gender: Female. [»]Sexuality: лесбиянок. [»]Zodiac: Дева, the Virgo. [»]Place of Birth: Miette, Город потерянных детей. [»]Race: Human. [»]Heritage: Castilian, Russian mix. [»]Height: 5' 4" [»]Weight: 96 lbs. [»]Build: Very slender. [»]Skin Color: Light brown. [»]Blood Type: O+ [»]Natural Eye Color: Purple/brown. [»]Natural Hair Color: Black. [»]Current Hair Color: Brown. [»]Hair Length: Short. [»]Hair Style: Bob-cut. [»]Defining Facial Features: Looks like someone from a crowd. [»]Dominant Hand: Right. [»]Speech Patterns: Lazy (for lack of a better description) but up-front.
[»]Marital Status: Nope. [»]Birth Father: Numunu Avetanei. [»]Birth Mother: Tyv. [»]Siblings: Nn, Rna, Elsa. [»]Family Finances: Wages from Black Hare, Palisade, and Raven's Nest. Family itself is rather poor. [»]Best Friend: An a*****e cat named Beef Supreme.
[→]Major Personality Traits: [»] Brutal. [»] Intelligent. [»] Quiet. [»] Deceptive. [»] Polite.
[→]Likes: [»] Ideals. [»] Extremes. [»] Conflict. [»] Brutality. [»] Serenity.
[→]Dislikes: [»] Cats. [»] Speaking. [»] Smiling. It hurts her face. [»] Her face.
[»]Bad Habits: Can't hold a facade. [»]Good Habits: Feigns emotions with great skill. [»]Best Memory: Zinaida in her plugsuit. [»]Worst Memory: When Zinaida's AC malfunctioned. [»]Proud Of: Her figure. [»]Temperament: Calm. Polite. Brutal. Sustains a cheerful composure, thinly veiling a not-so-delightful one.
[→]Friendships: в такт, вовремя.
[→]Rivalries: в такт, вовремя.
[»] "Happiness!? Tch.. You erased Catholic!"
[»] "Honor is a notion relied upon by weaklings."
[»] "Молодежь-это тратится на молодых ..."
[→]Brief Biography: [»]
⊰Offensive/Defensive Traits:
[→]Mobile Suits:
[»] Makes frequent use of mechs, exoskeletons, and battle armor. The three to her name are as follows, though she does use machines provided by her contractors. ~ 'Koschey.' A TWC Caladborg heavy artillery defense mech generally used in dense urban situations. ~ 'Sirin.' Aerial sniper suited for more open settings, but Yvv uses it efficiently in almost any terrain. ~ 'Shenandoah.' for high speed combat in larger, more open areas.
[»] Haste: Through the use of magi-technical implants (In the muscles and skeleton) by the Order of the Golden Crucible combined with the OP-I system, she can move at breakneck speeds for around ten seconds. During the ten seconds, she moves at speeds so incredibly high, she can barely be perceived by the human eye. However, the 'Hastega' system is still in developmental stages and when used causes great stress on her frame and internal organs. Until further development, repeated use of the system can be quite fatal.
[»] Ragna Rock-and-Roll: The Hastega system and OP-I are pushed to maximum output allowing her to use a stunted version of Haste for upwards of six minutes. When the six minutes are up, if she continues to use push the OP-I and Hastega, they will begin to over-heat and will eventually incinerate her from the inside-out. As the ability puts quite a bit of strain on herself and the systems, they require great time to recover, once exceeding eight hours.
[»] ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ: When Yvv is on her final leg and all hope seems lost, a ray of blinding light shines down and grasps her outstretched hands, freeing her from Death's cold embrace. Strength and vitality renewed and enhanced with holy ire and shining fury as of the gods themselves, she strikes down her enemies with righteous efficiency and malice. Their quickest salvation from her wrath is a simple apology. Admittance of their misdeeds on her. Sorrow for their crimes to her being.
[»] Герой: A sort of berserker rage commonly found in life or death situations during situations where.. You're just ******** pissed. You hulk out and kill everything, shrugging off wounds and all worldly desires not directly related to murdering the s**t out of those people there. Typically found in soldiers like Yogendra Singh Yadav and Audie Murphy.
[»] Walther WA 2000 sniper rifle. We all know how much she loves conflict, but only if she's not directly within contact of it. The WA 2000 keeps her out of harms way and allows her to lounge around whilst getting through the job.
[»] The Mk. 14 EBR. Utilized for mid range combat. At this point, she's still keeping her distance, but in more danger than she's comfortable with. A good tool for any occasion, whether the enemy be around the corner or eight buildings away! Honestly, it could replace the Walther.
[»] A trench knife for when she's just forced into those awful melees.. Although she prefers not to engage directly with others, sometimes it just has to happen. Perhaps she needs to have one badass cutscene before the end of the level, or maybe the enemy is bypassing her OP-I (Or even countering it?), whatever the case, she understands that life don't always give ya lemons, so she brings her own.. Not.. Lemons... They're ******** backup tools.
[»] A compacted form of Operator-Intensify, modified for use when operating an AC, VS, or body armour. Allows her to lift objects far beyond what humans are capable of and control machinery via a mental link between herself, the OP-I, said machinery, and a Raven's Nest owned network satellite. Designed primarily for use with unarmored or lightly armored peoples in heavy urban combat.
[»] Miriam Atlas eyeglasses, designed by Palisade. A multi-purpose set of specs that preform a number of rather useful tasks for those in Yvv's situations. Also, they're more than a squick stylish! ~ An internal clock. Y'know.. For whatever one may use a clock for. ~ Thermal imaging. ~ Night vision. ~ Light compensation and glare reduction. ~ Image magnification by 89%. ~ Video uplink for employers to observe her goings-on.
[»] The 'God's Eye' face mask. Designed by Palisade for a private defense organization in some Asiatic country, it has the same effects as her glasses but offers full face protection (Bulletproof). As well as her glasses' capabilities, it; ~ Can connect to the magnifying optics in more high powered rifles for a first person view of the rifles sights. ~ Has a GPS locator for a bird's eye of the battlefield from the Raven's Nest satellite. ~ A semi-auto targeting system running off the OP-I for more accurate shots on the fly. ~ Phone and radio for.. I'd assume, obvious reasons. ~ Hides her face. Nothing shames her more than her face.. Reasons? Unknown.
[→]Combat Theme: [»] Hero - Ministry.
[»] Keine Liebe - Prinz Pi.
[»] Джек - TT'34.
Новый мировой порядок.
Zeda Ennd · Fri Mar 09, 2012 @ 11:03am · 0 Comments |